Don Malin's XREF - The Most Sophisticated Cross-Reference Program Ever Developed

Primary LanguageVisual Basic

On October 26th, 2018 I purchased the software assets of Full Moon Software. Full Moon Software used to be known as Crescent Software. They produced a line of excellent development libraries for MS-DOS. The supported environments were QuickBASIC 4.x, Microsoft Professional Development System v7.x, and Visual Basic for DOS.

The idea behind obtaining these products was to release them to the public domain to ensure that people could still access these things in the future. While most developers will have no use for these products in a modern develoment environment, they still have value as an example of "how it was done" back in the heyday of x86 DOS development.

The software in this repository hasn't been modified from how I received it from Ethan Winer, the original author. While all the source files carry some kind of Copyright notice, the software is now in the public domain.

The original distribution disk files and documentation are available here:


Gene Buckle, October 27th, 2018

I've attached the text from Full Moon Software's catalog description of Don Malin's XREF below.

About Crescent Software: After 20 years as a professional recording engineer and musician, Ethan Winer founded Crescent Software in 1986, quickly building it to become the leading provider of add-on products for use with Microsoft compiled BASIC for DOS. During that time Ethan wrote numerous articles about DOS BASIC and assembly language for all of the major programming magazines, and also served as a contributing editor for PC Magazine. Ethan also received Microsoft's MVP award every year since 1996 for his assistance in the Microsoft BASIC programming newsgroups. In 1992 Ethan sold Crescent to his partner Don Malin, and retired in order to pursue his musical interests.


The Most Sophisticated Cross-Reference Program Ever Developed

Serious programmers have always understood the value of a good cross-reference program, but with today's large, modular applications, much more is often necessary. XREF is a sophisticated cross-reference utility program that provides comprehensive documentation about an entire application. Unlike other cross-reference programs you may have seen that merely list each variable, XREF provides a wealth of useful reports that show exactly what is going on in your programs. Of course, XREF does a terrific job of listing variables in alphabetical order, so you can quickly spot any that are misspelled. But XREF goes far beyond that--it is the very best way to completely document your entire program. XREF is also ideal when you need to understand and work on someone else's programs, or update a program you wrote long ago. XREF is extremely easy to use, and all of its operations are handled using pull-down menus and dialog boxes. This avoids having to memorize confusing commands or option switches. Most aspect of the program, such as report and printer settings, are user-definable, and the current setup may be saved to individual configuration files or to a system default configuration file. Many useful reports can be created, and they may be sent to a printer, a disk file, or viewed on-screen in a unique browse mode that lets you scroll the report vertically and horizontally. The report browsing feature is particularly valuable because the reports are available immediately for viewing without tying up your printer or wasting paper. XREF examines all of the files that comprise your application, including those modules that are external to your main BASIC program file. Further, all Include files are read and processed. XREF understands COMMON and SHARED, as well as DIM AS, DEFINT, and all the other DEFtype statements. XREF is compatible with all versions of Microsoft BASIC for DOS, including GW-BASIC and BASICA, so it is ideal when you are converting a large program from those earlier dialects. Because XREF processes your program in a single pass, it is also extremely fast. XREF reads all of the source code that is associated with your program and then parses the individual program objects into tables. Object types include key words, DEF FN functions, SUB and FUNCTION procedures, line labels, and CONST constants. Other object types include simple numeric, string, and TYPE variables, as well as Static and Dynamic numeric, string, and TYPE arrays. After all of the source code has been read, XREF creates a database of the object tables for further processing. This lets you run other reports later on, without having to process the source files again. XREF offers many different perspectives on a program, by providing the following information:

   numbers can be listed as relative to the beginning of procedures, like
   the BASIC editor, or relative to the start of the source file.

   on a new page if you prefer. XREF also prints a Table of Contents for
   the entire listing showing the starting page number for each procedure.

 * CREATES CALL TREE DIAGRAMS. The XREF Call Tree report shows the
   interrelationships between all of the procedures used in your
   application. The report may be organized either alphabetically, or in
   logical (order of occurrence) order. This helps you to more easily
   visualize the overall structure of your program.

 * GENERATES AN OBJECT SUMMARY REPORT. The Object Summary report lists all
   of your program objects, such as BASIC key words, SUB and FUNCTION
   procedures, simple and TYPE variables, and both Static and Dynamic
   arrays. Objects are grouped by their type and displayed alphabetically.
   Each object is listed showing where it was defined and how many times
   it was used. The BASIC Key Word report shows which statements you have
   used, flagging those that bring in the BASIC floating point library,
   thus increasing the size of your .EXE program file. This report also
   shows which key words are not supported by our P.D.Q. library. The
   Object Summary report also identifies variables referenced only once,
   as well as procedures that are declared or defined but never used.

   be listed by procedure along with their type, so you can easily see
   which variables are passed as parameters and which are Static, Dynamic,
   and Shared. If the same element is used in different modules (such as
   COMMON variables), this is listed as well. These features let you know
   immediately which variables are affected by procedures and which are

   no longer documents the various metacommands in their manuals, all
   current versions of the compiler recognize them. The XREF owner's
   manual provides a complete listing of all useful options, and the
   program honors them as it displays the various reports. This lets you
   define titles and subtitles for each page, turn the source listing on
   and off, and so forth.

   provided to extract all quoted strings and remarks and write them to a
   file, so you can proof and spell-check them using any word processor. A
   companion utility merges the corrected text back into your program
   files, with the original spacing intact. This feature also helps if you
   need to translate all of a program's text to a foreign language.

   realize that unnecessary line numbers can slow down the BASIC compiler
   and impinge on its working memory. Line numbers can also make a program
   larger and run more slowly when certain compiler options are used. A
   separate utility is included to remove all line numbers from your
   source files that are not actually needed.

 * SIMPLIFIES MODULARIZATION. A unique report shows all of the variables
   that are referenced both within a given range of source lines and also
   referenced outside that range. If you need to convert a section of code
   (such as a GOSUB routine) into a subprogram or function, this report
   shows you which variables must be passed or shared.


As with all our products, full source code is provided at no additional cost, so you can see how the routines were designed and even modify them if you want. We genuinely want you to understand how our libraries work and be able to learn from them. All of our products are reasonably priced and include free technical assistance, but they are licensed for use by only one person using one computer at a time. Royalty payments are not required when our routines are incorporated into your compiled applications. However, you may not distribute our source, object, or library files. If your customers need to rebuild your program, they will need their own copy of our product(s).

 "This product can prevent keeping track of variables from becoming a
 nightmare, make debugging easier, help optimize code, and generally
 save you many hours managing your programs...Without question, XREF is
 a valuable tool for all BASIC programmers."--Bill Reilly, BASICPro, 4/93


Don Malin's XREF costs $79 and works with QuickBASIC 4.x, PDS 7.x, and VB/DOS. Add $8 for UPS ground shipping to US addresses only (no P.O. boxes); Connecticut residents must add 6.0% sales tax or show proof of tax-exempt status when ordering. Please call for overnight and foreign shipping costs. We accept checks, MasterCard, and VISA. We do accept purchase orders, but they must be accompanied by full payment.

Don Malin's XREF(tm) is a trademark of Crescent Software, Inc.