
An example module for including custom fields within the Gene Braintree extension.

Primary LanguagePHP


This module outlines how you can easily send custom fields with a transactions when using the Gene_Braintree module for Magento 1.

We implement a number of helpful events throughout the module that allow easy extension of various functionality. Notably we implement gene_braintree_creditcard_sale_array & gene_braintree_paypal_sale_array which allow other modules to intercept the modify the sale array sent over to Braintree.

How to use these events

You'll need to craft a standard Magento module and within the modules config.xml you will need to declare an event for both the PayPal & Credit Card dependant on your requirements. In this example module we include events for both.

Credit Card Event:
PayPal Event:

Once you've implemented the above required events you can implement the logic required to build up your custom fields to be passed onto Braintree.

Data passed to these events

These events are fired with two pieces of data passed to them:

  • request: The request contains 1 piece of data under sale_array. Once retrieving the request within the event you can use the magic functions to get and set the sale array. Through getSaleArray() & setSaleArray().
  • payment: The original payment object used throughout the payment method.

Retrieving data in the event

To retrieve the passed data in this event you'll need to access it through the $observer parameter as per the below.

public function addBraintreeCustomField(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
    $request = $observer->getEvent()->getRequest();
    if ($salesArray = $request->getSaleArray()) {
        $salesArray['field'] = 'value';

    return $this;