
Pure JavaScript implementation of the BIP Schnorr signature scheme.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pure JavaScript implementation of the Schnorr BIP

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This is a pure JavaScript implementation of the standard 64-byte Schnorr signature scheme over the elliptic curve secp256k1 and its application in the MuSig multi-signature scheme proposed by Blockstream.

The code is based upon the initial proposal of Pieter Wuille when it didn't have a BIP number assigned yet.

The MuSig implementation is based upon the C implementation in the secp256k1-zkp fork

I am by no means an expert in high performance JavaScript or the underlying cryptography. So this library is probably really slow.

The current version passes all test vectors provided here.
But the author does not give any guarantees that the algorithm is implemented correctly for every edge case!

The BIP and C reference implementations are still under development so the API of this implementation is also not yet stable and can change when the reference implementation changes.

How to install


npm install --save bip-schnorr


yarn add bip-schnorr

How to use

NOTE: All parameters are either of type BigInteger or Buffer (or an array of those).


const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; 
const BigInteger = require('bigi');
const schnorr = require('bip-schnorr');
const convert = schnorr.convert;

// signing
const privateKey = BigInteger.fromHex('B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C762E7160F38B4DA56A784D9045190CFEF');
const message = Buffer.from('243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89', 'hex');
const createdSignature = schnorr.sign(privateKey, message);
console.log('The signature is: ' + createdSignature.toString('hex'));

// verifying
const publicKey = Buffer.from('02DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659', 'hex');
const signatureToVerify = Buffer.from('2A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D1E51A22CCEC35599B8F266912281F8365FFC2D035A230434A1A64DC59F7013FD', 'hex');
try {
  schnorr.verify(publicKey, message, signatureToVerify);
  console.log('The signature is valid.');
} catch (e) {
  console.error('The signature verification failed: ' + e);

// batch verifying
const publicKeys = [
  Buffer.from('02DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('03FAC2114C2FBB091527EB7C64ECB11F8021CB45E8E7809D3C0938E4B8C0E5F84B', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('026D7F1D87AB3BBC8BC01F95D9AECE1E659D6E33C880F8EFA65FACF83E698BBBF7', 'hex'),
const messages = [
  Buffer.from('243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('5E2D58D8B3BCDF1ABADEC7829054F90DDA9805AAB56C77333024B9D0A508B75C', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('B2F0CD8ECB23C1710903F872C31B0FD37E15224AF457722A87C5E0C7F50FFFB3', 'hex'),
const signatures = [
  Buffer.from('2A298DACAE57395A15D0795DDBFD1DCB564DA82B0F269BC70A74F8220429BA1D1E51A22CCEC35599B8F266912281F8365FFC2D035A230434A1A64DC59F7013FD', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('00DA9B08172A9B6F0466A2DEFD817F2D7AB437E0D253CB5395A963866B3574BE00880371D01766935B92D2AB4CD5C8A2A5837EC57FED7660773A05F0DE142380', 'hex'),
  Buffer.from('68CA1CC46F291A385E7C255562068357F964532300BEADFFB72DD93668C0C1CAC8D26132EB3200B86D66DE9C661A464C6B2293BB9A9F5B966E53CA736C7E504F', 'hex'),
try {
  schnorr.batchVerify(publicKeys, messages, signatures);
  console.log('The signatures are valid.');
} catch (e) {
  console.error('The signature verification failed: ' + e);

// aggregating signatures (naive Schnorr key aggregation, not part of BIP, not safe against rogue-key-attack!)
const privateKey1 = BigInteger.fromHex('B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C762E7160F38B4DA56A784D9045190CFEF');
const privateKey2 = BigInteger.fromHex('C90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B14E5C7');
const message = Buffer.from('243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89', 'hex');
const aggregatedSignature = schnorr.naiveKeyAggregation([privateKey1, privateKey2], message);

// verifying an aggregated signature
const publicKey1 = Buffer.from('02DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659', 'hex');
const publicKey2 = Buffer.from('03FAC2114C2FBB091527EB7C64ECB11F8021CB45E8E7809D3C0938E4B8C0E5F84B', 'hex');
const sumOfPublicKeys = convert.pubKeyToPoint(publicKey1).add(convert.pubKeyToPoint(publicKey2));
try {
  schnorr.verify(convert.pointToBuffer(sumOfPublicKeys), message, aggregatedSignature);
  console.log('The signature is valid.');
} catch (e) {
  console.error('The signature verification failed: ' + e);

muSig non-interactive

const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; 
const BigInteger = require('bigi');
const schnorr = require('bip-schnorr');

// muSig non-interactive (not part of any BIP yet, see https://blockstream.com/2018/01/23/musig-key-aggregation-schnorr-signatures/)
const privateKey1 = BigInteger.fromHex('B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C762E7160F38B4DA56A784D9045190CFEF');
const privateKey2 = BigInteger.fromHex('C90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E088A67CC74020BBEA63B14E5C7');
const message = Buffer.from('243F6A8885A308D313198A2E03707344A4093822299F31D0082EFA98EC4E6C89', 'hex');
const aggregatedSignature = schnorr.muSig.nonInteractive([privateKey1, privateKey2], message);

// verifying an aggregated signature
const publicKey1 = Buffer.from('02DFF1D77F2A671C5F36183726DB2341BE58FEAE1DA2DECED843240F7B502BA659', 'hex');
const publicKey2 = Buffer.from('03FAC2114C2FBB091527EB7C64ECB11F8021CB45E8E7809D3C0938E4B8C0E5F84B', 'hex');
const X = schnorr.muSig.pubKeyCombine([publicKey1, publicKey2]);
try {
  schnorr.verify(X, message, aggregatedSignature);
  console.log('The signature is valid.');
} catch (e) {
  console.error('The signature verification failed: ' + e);


const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; 
const BigInteger = require('bigi');
const randomBytes = require('random-bytes');
const randomBuffer = (len) => Buffer.from(randomBytes.sync(len));
const schnorr = require('bip-schnorr');
const convert = schnorr.convert;
const muSig = schnorr.muSig;

// data known to every participant
const publicData = {
  pubKeys: [
    Buffer.from('03846f34fdb2345f4bf932cb4b7d278fb3af24f44224fb52ae551781c3a3cad68a', 'hex'),
    Buffer.from('02cd836b1d42c51d80cef695a14502c21d2c3c644bc82f6a7052eb29247cf61f4f', 'hex'),
    Buffer.from('03b8c1765111002f09ba35c468fab273798a9058d1f8a4e276f45a1f1481dd0bdb', 'hex'),
  message: convert.hash(Buffer.from('muSig is awesome!', 'utf8')),
  pubKeyHash: null,
  pubKeyCombined: null,
  commitments: [],
  nonces: [],
  nonceCombined: null,
  partialSignatures: [],
  signature: null,

// data only known by the individual party, these values are never shared
// between the signers!
const signerPrivateData = [
  // signer 1
    privateKey: BigInteger.fromHex('add2b25e2d356bec3770305391cbc80cab3a40057ad836bcb49ef3eed74a3fee'),
    session: null,
  // signer 2
    privateKey: BigInteger.fromHex('0a1645eef5a10e1f5011269abba9fd85c4f0cc70820d6f102fb7137f2988ad78'),
    session: null,
  // signer 3
    privateKey: BigInteger.fromHex('2031e7fed15c770519707bb092a6337215530e921ccea42030c15d86e8eaf0b8'),
    session: null,

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 1: Combine the public keys
// The public keys P_i are combined into the combined public key P.
// This can be done by every signer individually or by the initializing
// party and then be distributed to every participant.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
publicData.pubKeyHash = muSig.computeEll(publicData.pubKeys);
publicData.pubKeyCombined = muSig.pubKeyCombine(publicData.pubKeys, publicData.pubKeyHash);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 2: Create the private signing session
// Each signing party does this in private. The session ID *must* be
// unique for every call to sessionInitialize, otherwise it's trivial for
// an attacker to extract the secret key!
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
signerPrivateData.forEach((data, idx) => {
  const sessionId = randomBuffer(32); // must never be reused between sessions!
  data.session = muSig.sessionInitialize(
const signerSession = signerPrivateData[0].session;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 3: Exchange commitments (communication round 1)
// The signers now exchange the commitments H(R_i). This is simulated here
// by copying the values from the private data to public data array.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (let i = 0; i < publicData.pubKeys.length; i++) {
  publicData.commitments[i] = signerPrivateData[i].session.commitment;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 4: Get nonces (communication round 2)
// Now that everybody has commited to the session, the nonces (R_i) can be
// exchanged. Again, this is simulated by copying.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (let i = 0; i < publicData.pubKeys.length; i++) {
  publicData.nonces[i] = signerPrivateData[i].session.nonce;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 5: Combine nonces
// The nonces can now be combined into R. Each participant should do this
// and keep track of whether the nonce was negated or not. This is needed
// for the later steps.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
publicData.nonceCombined = muSig.sessionNonceCombine(signerSession, publicData.nonces);
signerPrivateData.forEach(data => (data.session.nonceIsNegated = signerSession.nonceIsNegated));

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 6: Generate partial signatures
// Every participant can now create their partial signature s_i over the
// given message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
signerPrivateData.forEach(data => {
  data.session.partialSignature = muSig.partialSign(data.session, publicData.message, publicData.nonceCombined, publicData.pubKeyCombined);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 7: Exchange partial signatures (communication round 3)
// The partial signature of each signer is exchanged with the other
// participants. Simulated here by copying.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (let i = 0; i < publicData.pubKeys.length; i++) {
  publicData.partialSignatures[i] = signerPrivateData[i].session.partialSignature;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 8: Verify individual partial signatures
// Every participant should verify the partial signatures received by the
// other participants.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
for (let i = 0; i < publicData.pubKeys.length; i++) {

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 9: Combine partial signatures
// Finally, the partial signatures can be combined into the full signature
// (s, R) that can be verified against combined public key P.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
publicData.signature = muSig.partialSigCombine(publicData.nonceCombined, publicData.partialSignatures);

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Step 10: Verify signature
// The resulting signature can now be verified as a normal Schnorr
// signature (s, R) over the message m and public key P.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
schnorr.verify(publicData.pubKeyCombined, publicData.message, publicData.signature);


schnorr.sign(privateKey : BigInteger, message : Buffer) : Buffer

Sign a 32-byte message with the private key, returning a 64-byte signature.

schnorr.verify(pubKey : Buffer, message : Buffer, signature : Buffer) : void

Verify a 64-byte signature of a 32-byte message against the public key. Throws an Error if verification fails.

schnorr.batchVerify(pubKeys : Buffer[], messages : Buffer[], signatures : Buffer[]) : void

Verify a list of 64-byte signatures as a batch operation. Throws an Error if verification fails.

schnorr.naiveKeyAggregation(privateKeys : BigInteger[], message : Buffer) : Buffer

Aggregates multiple signatures of different private keys over the same message into a single 64-byte signature.

This is just a demo of how the naive Schnorr multi-signature (or key aggregation scheme) can work.
This scheme is not secure, it is prone to so-called rogue-key attacks.
See Key Aggregation for Schnorr Signatures by Blockstream.

Use the muSig scheme that prevents that attack.

schnorr.muSig.nonInteractive(privateKeys : BigInteger[], message : Buffer) : Buffer

Aggregates multiple signatures of different private keys over the same message into a single 64-byte signature using a scheme that is safe from rogue-key attacks.

This non-interactive scheme requires the knowledge of all private keys that are participating in the multi-signature creation. Use the MuSig interactive scheme that requires multiple steps to create a signature with parties not sharing their private key (see below).

schnorr.muSig.computeEll(pubKeys : Buffer[]) : Buffer

Generate ell which is the hash over all public keys participating in a muSig session.

schnorr.muSig.pubKeyCombine(pubKeys : Buffer[], pubKeyHash : Buffer) : Buffer

Creates the special rogue-key-resistant combined public key P by applying the MuSig coefficient to each public key P_i before adding them together.

schnorr.muSig.sessionInitialize(sessionId : Buffer, privateKey : BigInteger, message : Buffer, pubKeyCombined : Buffer, ell : Buffer, idx : number) : Session

Creates a signing session. Each participant must create a session and must not share the content of the session apart from the commitment and later the nonce.

It is absolutely necessary that the session ID is unique for every call of sessionInitialize. Otherwise it's trivial for an attacker to extract the secret key!

schnorr.muSig.sessionNonceCombine(session : Session, nonces : Buffer[]) : Buffer

Combines multiple nonces R_i into the combined nonce R.

schnorr.muSig.partialSign(session : Session, message : Buffer, nonceCombined : Buffer, pubKeyCombined : Buffer) : BigInteger

Creates a partial signature s_i for a participant.

schnorr.muSig.partialSigVerify(session : Session, partialSig : BigInteger, nonceCombined : Buffer, idx : number, pubKey : Buffer, nonce : Buffer) : void

Verifies a partial signature s_i against the participant's public key P_i. Throws an Error if verification fails.

schnorr.muSig.partialSigCombine(nonceCombined : Buffer, partialSigs : BigInteger[]) : Buffer

Combines multiple partial signatures into a Schnorr signature (s, R) that can be verified against the combined public key P.

Implementations in different languages


The code is not yet optimized for performance.

The following results were achieved on an Intel Core i7-6500U running on linux/amd64 with node v10.15.0:

$ node test/schnorr.benchmark.js
Sign (batch size: 1) x 29.81 ops/sec ±2.23% (53 runs sampled) 35344 us/op 28 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 2) x 15.28 ops/sec ±1.99% (42 runs sampled) 67103 us/op 30 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 4) x 7.51 ops/sec ±1.98% (23 runs sampled) 134388 us/op 30 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 8) x 3.83 ops/sec ±2.27% (14 runs sampled) 260547 us/op 31 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 16) x 1.92 ops/sec ±0.99% (9 runs sampled) 525121 us/op 30 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 32) x 0.96 ops/sec ±2.78% (7 runs sampled) 1044533 us/op 31 sig/s
Sign (batch size: 64) x 0.48 ops/sec ±1.51% (6 runs sampled) 2072564 us/op 31 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 1) x 29.96 ops/sec ±0.77% (53 runs sampled) 34513 us/op 29 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 2) x 15.30 ops/sec ±0.70% (42 runs sampled) 67126 us/op 30 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 4) x 7.64 ops/sec ±1.03% (23 runs sampled) 132236 us/op 30 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 8) x 3.85 ops/sec ±1.02% (14 runs sampled) 261091 us/op 31 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 16) x 1.93 ops/sec ±0.53% (9 runs sampled) 519554 us/op 31 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 32) x 0.97 ops/sec ±0.64% (7 runs sampled) 1033222 us/op 31 sig/s
Verify (batch size: 64) x 0.48 ops/sec ±0.69% (6 runs sampled) 2079248 us/op 31 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 1) x 30.55 ops/sec ±0.93% (54 runs sampled) 33736 us/op 30 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 2) x 12.35 ops/sec ±0.88% (35 runs sampled) 82398 us/op 24 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 4) x 5.64 ops/sec ±1.25% (18 runs sampled) 178555 us/op 22 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 8) x 2.71 ops/sec ±0.83% (11 runs sampled) 370195 us/op 22 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 16) x 1.32 ops/sec ±0.72% (8 runs sampled) 760835 us/op 21 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 32) x 0.66 ops/sec ±0.52% (6 runs sampled) 1523772 us/op 21 sig/s
Batch Verify (batch size: 64) x 0.33 ops/sec ±0.41% (5 runs sampled) 3061443 us/op 21 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 1) x 31.36 ops/sec ±0.76% (55 runs sampled) 33094 us/op 30 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 2) x 15.49 ops/sec ±0.83% (42 runs sampled) 66253 us/op 30 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 4) x 7.80 ops/sec ±1.06% (24 runs sampled) 128978 us/op 31 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 8) x 3.97 ops/sec ±0.22% (14 runs sampled) 254682 us/op 31 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 16) x 1.95 ops/sec ±0.78% (9 runs sampled) 515667 us/op 31 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 32) x 0.98 ops/sec ±0.53% (7 runs sampled) 1023110 us/op 31 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures naive (batch size: 64) x 0.49 ops/sec ±0.60% (6 runs sampled) 2038238 us/op 31 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 1) x 19.99 ops/sec ±1.07% (37 runs sampled) 51157 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 2) x 9.91 ops/sec ±1.68% (29 runs sampled) 102176 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 4) x 4.99 ops/sec ±1.23% (17 runs sampled) 201754 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 8) x 2.51 ops/sec ±0.75% (11 runs sampled) 400945 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 16) x 1.26 ops/sec ±0.72% (8 runs sampled) 792623 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 32) x 0.62 ops/sec ±2.60% (6 runs sampled) 1618385 us/op 20 sig/s
Aggregate Signatures MuSig non-interactive (batch size: 64) x 0.32 ops/sec ±0.71% (5 runs sampled) 3171948 us/op 20 sig/s
Done in 422.45s.