
A decentralized book-review platform example built with SpruceKit

Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT


Joyce is a decentralized application for book reviews that allows users to host and manage their ratings, comments, favorite passages, reading progress, and more within their personal data vaults. All the data models are open and interoperable, meaning developers can quickly write adapters to sync across platforms such as Kindle, Google Books, and Calibre. It’s up to the user how their content gets shared and whether sharing happens direct peer-to-peer, to a publicly available website, or with a third-party recommendation algorithm.

to run

yarn install
yarn dev

That's it!

Using dev containers

If you'd prefer to use Docker with dev containers (my personal preference), first install the dev containers CLI:

yarn add --global @devcontainers/cli # or, npm install -g @devcontainers/cli

For ease of integration, add the remote containers extension to your VS Code installation as well. Next, open the project:

code path-to/your-project


  • Open the project in a container through VS Code using ctrl + shift + p and select Dev Containers: Open Folder in Container...
  • Build the container locally with devcontainer build --workspace-folder . and use the above command to attach your local workspace to the container

Husky git hooks

If you'd rather disable/enable only certain hooks, it's only a matter of removing the individual lifecycle hook you're interested in in the .husky folder. By default, three hooks are enabled:

  • commit-msg: validates commit messages on an individual commit conform to (more/less) semantic commit convention (see commitlint.config.js to customize this)
  • pre-commit: formats staged code using lint-staged based on .prettierrc configuration
  • pre-push: runs Playwright tests before pushing commits to the remote origin