
Usage of ofxLeapMotion2 in Linux

Opened this issue · 2 comments

first of all, thanks for providing this update for LM2. I-ve been trying to use this library through its example in a Qt project, and seems like there's some problems. What I did was to create an oF project in the project creator for qt, and then import this project into qt. That's it! haven't modified the code or manipulated or such... first I wanted to see it working as natural as possible..
and when I try to compile it, I get these errors:

/OF/libs/openFrameworks/utils/ofConstants.h:400: error: expected unqualified-id before numeric constant
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846


/OF/libs/openFrameworks/utils/ofConstants.h:400: error: expected ‘)’ before numeric constant
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846

and some similar others...

would you have an idea if they have a collision or conflict with the LeapMotionMath library or something? because I think this is where the problem is, but not sure yet... or what would you think the problem is?

Thank you, any help will be appreciated!

Ok, that problem is solved, although now I have a more concerning issue... Have you experienced a segmentation fault issue? I integrated the ofx in a project and when I move really fast my hands and fingers, it throws a Segmentation fault saying> RTTI symbol not found for class 'Leap::Interface'
Have you experienced something like this? does that ring a bell?
Thanks for the attention!

@AdriannaGmz Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same segfault issue with fast hand movement.
It is really concerning as I have a few performances lined up where I use the leap between 3 performers and some of them arent as cautious with the fast movement