
Library for interfacing with and manipulating unscoped episodic logical forms (ULF).

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT

Library for interfacing with and manipulating unscoped episodic logical forms (ULF). The library is primarily developed on SBCL with some secondary testing in Allegro Common Lisp. You can see the travis build for the status of this library in relation to several common lisp distributions.


  • TTT
  • GUTE
  • All other dependencies are available through Quicklisp


  1. Install quicklisp by following instructions at https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/
  2. Then place the other depenedencies listed above in a folder accessible to Quicklisp or ASDF (which underlies quicklisp). How to do this in a couple ways is described by the following Stack Overflow answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/11265601.

Running the Code

This is really meant to be a library, but to check the basic functionality of any of the functions, you can load the file load.lisp and enter the package :ulf-lib. For example,

$ sbcl
$ (ql:quickload :ulf-lib)
$ ...[loading messages]...
$ (in-package :ulf-lib)
$ (phrasal-ulf-type? 'man.n)
$ (phrasal-ulf-type? '|John|)
$ (phrasal-ulf-type? '(the.d (angry.a man.n)))
$ (phrasal-ulf-type? '(see.v the.d man.n))
$ (apply-sub-macro '((sub what.pro ((past do.aux-s) he.pro (say.v *h))) ?))

Running tests

You can load the ulf-lib/tests library to run the tests. Please see the SBCL Travis build for the expected results.

* (ql:quickload :ulf-lib/tests)
* (in-package :ulf-lib/tests)
* (run)