Using rfcn-all-in-one, you can get the position information of accessories as well as vehicles.

What's more, you can evaluate your yolov2 models conveniently using ./tools/test_net.py. In that case, you need a shared lib file from darknet.



Detect and save detections to files in PASCASL VOC format

Remember to change the values of globla variables in rfcn_all_in_one_.py

python ./tools/rfcn_all_in_one_.py

Evaluating models: get mAP and recall

  • change the path to .so file in lib/fast_rcnn/test_net.py

You can compile your own shared lib or use my lib.It was compiled with cuda8,cudnn5,arch61.It have been tested using Titan Xp, 1080 Ti and 1070.

 python ./tools/test_net [see arg_parse()] --type yolo/rfcn