Model Copy: model is not saved on initial copy (modified-p is true). Not searchable on landing page
tmushayahama opened this issue · 5 comments
This will make the model not searchable on landing page using the search api on initial because modified-p is true. Is there a way to add it to the searchable models while modified-p is true of maybe save the model on copy?
tagging @balhoff @vanaukenk
This morning I made a copy of the Reactome purine catabolism model and did not save it. I went back to the landing page, reloaded and did not see my copy. I also wanted to point out, and I have no idea why this is true, but in testing over the last few days I have forgotten to save my models many times. I don't know why this is particularly true for the copy workflow and maybe it will change once I start adding evidence to the models, but it has happened so far.
I tested again on noctua-dev this morning by:
- copying a model from the landing page
- closing the copy window
- reloading the landing page
the copied model is now at the top of the landing page models list.
So, this appears to be working as expected, as long as curators realize they need to refresh the models list on the landing page.
I just confirmed that this works from the landing page.
This work is done.