
Merge manually-curated YeastPathways2BP into conversion code

Closed this issue · 1 comments

On the latest load of YeastPathways, I still see biological_process even though we have a more accurate BP to map to. I've uploaded the YeastPathways2BP file in the shared drive, not sure if it's already in the GDrive somewhere else but I couldn't find it.
Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 17 19 00 On the 2023-01-23 Alliance Pathways call it was decided to just hack this mapping into the code as a quick fix.

Mapping decisions discussed in #159 and originating ticket. This ticket will be completed when the fix is in place and the BPs are mapped to the correct pathways.

Originally posted by @suzialeksander in geneontology/go-ontology#20091 (comment)

i think this has cleared