
Generali Agile Base Camp presents: Our Kudo cards for download (print templates)


Agile Base Camp Kudo Cards

Copyright 2019-2020 by Generali Deutschland AG

Design by @jinye_jia


These postcards were created as part of the Generali "Agile Base Camp" (ABC) program. The cards are an easy way to say thanks and appreciation to the participants of the agile teams.


Instructions: Click covers to preview files. Click links below covers to download directly.

awesome brilliant congratulations fantastic
awesome.pdf brilliant.pdf congratulations.pdf fantastic.pdf
goodjob thank_you welldone you_make_me_happy
goodjob.pdf thank_you.pdf welldone.pdf you_make_me_happy.pdf


CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 by 2020 Generali Deutschland AG.