
Folding@Home team rank tracker/visualizer & instructions to join our team

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Travis CI codecov

Folding@Home Stats

line 🇩🇪 Die Anleitung zur Einrichtung des Folding@Home-Clients als Team-Mitglied von "The Red Insurance Lions - Worldwide" ist hier zu finden. Wir haben das Format für eine bessere Lesbarkeit auf Gitbook umgestellt.

🇬🇧 Instructions for setting up the Folding@Home client as a team member of "The Red Insurance Lions - Worldwide" can be found here. We have changed the format to Gitbook for better readability. line


The development of the team ranking is to be monitored in order to be able to show the progress. The backend takes care of the query of the team statistics and the persistence of the relevant data.


Example of dashboard


In the file folding-stats.json the required configurations can be set. The configuration that applies to our team is attached and can be adapted to the respective needs.

    "team": 263581,
        "sqlite": "data/folding-stats.db",
        "csv": "data/folding-stats.csv",
        "supporter": "data/supporter.csv"

baseurl: Base url of Folding at Home API database/sqlite: relative path to sqlite database database/csv: relative path to csv file database/supporter: relative path to supporter file

Email notification

The script to query the rank is executed every minute via the included cron job. It is therefore inevitable that an automatic notification at a certain time can be made by specifying hour:minute. If the environment variable FAH_PUSHRANK_TIME is set, a message with the current rank is sent by email when this time is reached. The notification is sent regardless of whether the rank has changed in this query.

Alternatively or as a supplement, the variable FAH_PUSHRANK_CHANGE can be set to the value 1 to send a notification for each change. This option is not recommended for frequent changes in ranking. However, if the rank remains reasonably stable, this option can be activated.

Background: A fixed time is used for reporting rank development. In previous versions of the script, the development may have had to be researched via the website. With this feature, reporting is done proactively as a push notification.

Python execution


Only Python and the corresponding modules must be installed:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Manual Execution

At first you have to set the environment variable FAH_TEAMID which represents the team id. 0 (zero) is the dafault team, please change it to your team id.

# required settings
export FAH_TEAMID=0
# recommended settings
export FAH_MILESTONE1=10000
export FAH_MILESTONE2=5000
export FAH_MILESTONE3=1000
export FAH_GOAL=150
# optional settings
export FAH_EMAIL_SERVER=smtp.gmail.com
export FAH_EMAIL_PORT=587
export FAH_EMAIL_FROM=*****
export FAH_EMAIL_TO="name1@email, name2@email"

The backend which collects stat information can be started by the call

python3 folding-stats.py

The websevice to display the stats can be started by the call

python3 -m http.server 8888 &.

Docker execution (self-hosted)

Definition/Compose (self-hosted)

version: '2'
    build: .
      - "8888:8888"
      - ./data/:/code/data/
      - ./logs/:/code/logs/
      FAH_TEAMID: 0
      FAH_MILESTONE1: 10000
      FAH_MILESTONE2: 5000
      FAH_MILESTONE3: 1000
      FAH_GOAL: 150
      FAH_EMAIL_SERVER: smtp.gmail.com
      FAH_EMAIL_PORT: 587
      FAH_EMAIL_FROM: *****
      FAH_EMAIL_TO: name1@email, name2@email
    restart: unless-stopped

Notes: please change the given team id within the yaml 0 to your team id. The given settings for SMTP server and credentials have to be set to your settings.

Docker Container Execution

To build and run the image/container:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Docker execution (pre-build)

Definition/Compose (pre-build)

An image is available for use on Docker Hub. The image is always updated when the master branch is updated in this repository. To use this image, we recommend the configuration with the mount volumes documented above.

Docker Hub: generaliinformatik/fah-red-lions-backend

Note: If you use this image on a Synology, please make sure to clear the cache. You would have to delete the content after re-downloading the updated image (Docker -> Container -> Action -> Clear)

version: '2'
    image: generaliinformatik/fah-red-lions-backend
    container_name: fah-red-lions-backend
      - "8888:8888"
      - ./data/:/code/data/
      - ./logs/:/code/logs/
      FAH_TEAMID: 0
      FAH_MILESTONE1: 10000
      FAH_MILESTONE2: 5000
      FAH_MILESTONE3: 1000
      FAH_GOAL: 150
      FAH_EMAIL_SERVER: smtp.gmail.com
      FAH_EMAIL_PORT: 587
      FAH_EMAIL_FROM: *****
      FAH_EMAIL_TO: name1@email, name2@email
    restart: unless-stopped

Notes: please change the given team id within the yaml 0 to your team id. The given settings for SMTP server and credentials have to be set to your settings.

Docker container execution

To run the container:

docker-compose up

Supported environment variables

The display in the graph can be controlled via the following environment variables. When executing in a Docker Container, make sure that the container is restarted as a precaution after a change. If you want to ensure that old values are not used, it is safer to clean the cache beforehand.

Variable Required Default value Description Recommended value
TZ no UTC Timezone to display right timestamps in log and to check FAH_PUSHRANK_TIME at the right time
FAH_TEAMID yes 0  Team ID of your Folding@Home team ?
FAH_LIMITDAYS  no 9999 Days to be shown in graph 14
FAH_MILESTONE1 no -1 1st milestone line 10000
FAH_MILESTONE2 no -1 2nd milestone line 5000
FAH_MILESTONE3 no -1 3rd milestone line 1000
FAH_GOAL no 1 Red goal line 150
FAH_EMAIL_SERVER no   SMTP email server
FAH_EMAIL_PORT no   SMTP email server port
FAH_EMAIL_FROM no   Email sender & SMTP username
FAH_EMAIL_TO no   List of push notification receiver; comma separated list of email addresses
FAH_EMAIL_PASSWORD no   Email SMTP server password  
FAH_PUSHRANK_TIME no   Military time format (4 digits, 24-hour-format, leading zeros) to send notification (e.g. 1503 for 03:03pm or 15:03)
FAH_PUSHRANK_CHANGE no   Send notification if rank changed (1) 1
FAH_PUSHRANK_FORCE no   Send push notification every check (0). Only recommanded to test email notification 0

Functional test (black box tests)

To reset a previous saved rank, please delete the file data/<id>.rid to force a write of the current data. The script thinks that the rank has changed and writes the information to the database/CSV with the current timestamp. <id> is the given team id via environment var FAH_TEAMID.

Technical test (static test)


Configuration files are included in this repository to allow the program to be tested with static code analysis. For a pull request, it is expected that these were executed before a commit and that the messages that occurred were corrected (or deliberately excluded). The commands for setting up the tools must be executed in the repository:

pip3 install pre-commit
pip3 install black
pip3 install flake8
pre-commit install

The last command installs the pre-commit hook and checks the repository before each commit. If an error occurs, the commit is not committed. If necessary, the tools make minor corrections themselves, which means that the commit is not yet committed in the first operation, but the second attempt is only successful with the previously changed files.

To perform the pre-commit hook checks manually, the hook can be started from the command line with the command:

pre-commit run --all-files

Travis CI

The repository is connected to Travis CI. The checks of the pre-commit are also executed in the CI pipeline, so that the code quality can be equally assured. It is therefore recommended that the pre-commit hooks be executed before a pull request to ensure error-free checks in the CI pipeline.


The values read out can be displayed in the browser via a simple web server on port 8888. For this purpose, please call



Table 'stats'

In the table stats the ranking information of the team is recorded. The recording is usually done when the rank changes (or the *.rid file is deleted)).

  "datetime" text,
  "uid_datetime" text,
  team integer,
  rank integer,
  change integer

Table 'team'

In the Team table, the team members are recorded with the relevant attributes in order to be able to evaluate their trends historically. At a later stage, the changes can be displayed as a graph or time line, for example. The data is only captured if there have been changes to the rank of the team, since in this case there must have been a change to the attributes rank or credit for at least one team member.

The account or accounts responsible for the current change are marked with supporter=1. This check is performed for each ranking change, so that an evaluation of the contributing accounts is possible.

  "datetime" text,
  "uid_datetime" text,
  team integer,
  id integer,
  name text,
  rank integer,
  credit integer,
  supporter integer