
Linear Memory Allocator for Games and Embedded Systems

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Game Allocator

Game Allocator is a generic memory manager intended for games, embedded devices, and web assembly. Given a large array of memory, the library provides functions to allocate and release that memory similar to malloc / free.

The memory will be broken up into pages (4 KiB by default) and tracked at the page granularity. A sub-allocator provided which breaks the page up into a fast free list for smaller allocation.

Implementations and #defines for malloc, new, new[], free, delete, and delete[] are optionally provided. An optional STL allocator is also optionally provided.

All of the code is in mem.h and mem.cpp. The Win32Sample/Win32.cpp file isn't production ready, it's a hacky font-end to the memory manager. The same data that it displays is available trough the Memory::Debug namespace.

Win32 memory allocator


Let's assume you have a void* to some large area of memory and know how many bytes large that area is. Call the Memory::Initialize function. The first two arguments are the memory and size, the third argument is the page size with which the memory should be managed. The default page size is 4 KiB. The pointer being passed to Memory::Initialize should be 8 byte aligned, and the size of the memory should be a multiple of the pageSize argument.

The Memory::AlignAndTrim helper function will align a region of memory so it's ready for initialize. This function modifies the memory and size variables that are passed to the function. Memory::AlignAndTrim returns the number of bytes lost.

After creating an allocator, set the Memory::GlobalAllocator pointer to the object returned by Memory::Initialize. If an allocator isn't specified (like the default new operator, or malloc functions) the Memory::GlobalAllocator object will be used instead.

You can allocate memory with the Memory::Allocate function, and release memory with the Memory::Release function. These functions require the same arguments as malloc & free, and they also have optional arguments. Allocate takes an optional alignment, which by default is 0. Un-aligned allocation are prefered, they will be 4 or 8 byte aligned, and can utilize a fast free list allocator. Both the Allocate and Release functions take an optional Allocator*, this allows the system to support multiple allocators. Both functions also take an optional const char* which is the location of the allocation.

When you are finished with an allocator, clean it up by calling Memory::Shutdown. The shutdown function will assert in debug builds if there are any memory leaks.


void run() {
    // Declare how much memory to use
    unsigned int size = MB(512);

    // Allocate memory from the operating system
    LPVOID memory = VirtualAlloc(0, size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); // Windows

    // Initialize the global allocator
    u32 lost = Memory::AlignAndTrim(&memory, &size, Memory::DefaultPageSize);
    Memory::GlobalAllocator = Memory::Initialize(memory, size, Memory::DefaultPageSize);

    // Allocate & release memory
    int* number = Memory::Allocate(sizeof(int)); // Only the number of bytes is required
    Memory::Release(number); // Only the void* is required

    // Cleanup the global allocator
    Memory::GlobalAllocator = 0;

    // Release memory back to operating system
    VirtualFree(memory, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

Compile flags

  • MEM_FIRST_FIT: This affects how fast memory is allocated. If it's set then every allocation searches for the first available page from the start of the memory. If it's not set, then an allocation header is maintained. It's advanced with each allocation, and new allocations search for memory from the allocation header.
  • MEM_CLEAR_ON_ALLOC: When set, memory will be cleared to 0 before being returned from Memory::Allocate: If both clear and debug on alloc are set, clear will take precedence
  • MEM_DEBUG_ON_ALLOC: If set, full page allocations will fill the padding of the page with "-MEMORY"
  • MEM_IMPLEMENT_MALLOC: Provide function declarations and implementations for: malloc, free, memset, and memcpy. These methods can not track allocation location.
  • MEM_DEFINE_MALLOC: If set, malloc will be declared as a #define for Memory::Allocate: and similarly free will be declared as a #define for Memory::Release
  • MEM_IMPLEMENT_NEW: Provide function declarations and implementations for new & delete
  • MEM_DEFINE_NEW: If set, new will be declared as a #define for Memory::Allocate, and similarly delete will be declared as a #define for Memory::Release
  • MEM_IMPLEMENT_STL: If set, Memory::STLAllocator<T> is defined. It can be used for STL allocators like so: std::vector<int, Memory::STLAllocator<int>> numbers;
  • MEM_USE_SUBALLOCATORS: If set, small allocations will be made using a free list allocaotr. There are free list allocators for 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and 2049 byte allocations. Only allocations that don't specify an alignment can use the fast free list allocator. The sub-allocator will provide better page utilization, for example a 4096 KiB page can hold 32 128 bit allocations.
  • MEM_TRACK_LOCATION: If set, a const char* will be added to Memory::Allocation which tracks the __LINE__ and __FILE__ of each allocation. Setting this bit will add 8 bytes to the Memory::Allocation struct.


There are a few debug functions exposed in the Memory::Debug namespace. When an allocator is initialized, the page immediateley before the first allocatable page is reserved as a debug page. You can fill this page with whatever data is needed. Any function in Memory::Debug might overwrite the contents of the debug page. You can get a pointer to the debug page of an allocator with the Memory::Debug::DevPage function.

The Memory::Debug::MemInfo function can be used to retrieve information about the state of the memory allocator. It provides meta data like how many pages are in use, a list of active allocations, and a visual bitmap chart to make debugging the memory bitmask easy. You can write this information to a file like so:

Memory::Debug::MemInfo(Memory::GlobalAllocator, [](const u8* mem, u32 size, void* fileHandle) {
    HANDLE file = *(HANDLE*)fileHandle;
    DWORD bytesWritten;
    WriteFile(file, mem, size, &bytesWritten, nullptr);
}, &hFile);

There is a similar Memory::Debug::PageContent, which given a page number will dump the binary conent of a page. The outputof the above log will look something like this:

Tracking 256 pages, Page size: 4096 bytes
Total memory size: 1024 KiB (1 MiB)
Page state: 231 free, 23 used, 2 overhead
Requested: 60656 bytes, Served: 94208 bytes

Active allocations:
	114688, size: 4096, padded: 4120, alignment: 0, first page: 28, 
        prev: 86016, next: 110592, location: On line: 881, in file: 
	12160, size: 64, padded: 88, alignment: 0, first page: 2, 
        prev: 16320, next: 0, location: On line: 1064, in file: 
    [Rest of active list removed for brevity]

Page chart:
