
Files'n Folders as Objects

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Files'n Folders as Objects

Sometimes you want to have the path to a folder and at the same time know it's path relative to a base folder. Ffo provides this. Ffo is a wrapper around the .NET Folder/File/Path api. It should prevent you from doing File/Folder/Path manipulation and instead work with object references and properties.


See the ExampleTest for a clear using example.


I tried just naming the objects Folder and File. However, this creates headachess when also using the System.IO namespace. I therefore used the prefix Ff for File and Folder: Ffile and Ffolder (IFfolder). This has the added benefit that typing the prefix Ff or ff will have your editor resolve often to these types.

The library name is an abbreviation of File Folder Objects: Ffo.


  • string casing


Feel free to open a PR or issue and provide any feedback.


© Ruud Poutsma, MIT.