
A schema for specifying audio sample file dependencies in generative music projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A schema for specifying an index of audio sample files in generative music projects.


The schema is defined in schema.json.

This schema describes an object whose properties are groups of audio samples with a group name as the property key and either an array or an object containing the audio samples as the property value. An audio sample is typically a string containing a path to the file.

The following example adheres to the schema and describes three audio samples which correspond to three different piano notes, and two audio samples of a drum:

  "piano": {
    "G4": "url/to/g4.wav",
    "C5": "url/to/c5.wav",
    "A6": "url/to/a6.wav"
  "drum": ["url/to/hit/1.wav", "url/to/hit/2.wav"]

This schema is convenient for passing samples to Tone.js.

const samples = {
  piano: {
    G4: 'url/to/g4.wav',
    C5: 'url/to/c5.wav',
    A6: 'url/to/a6.wav',
  drum: ['url/to/hit/1.wav', 'url/to/hit/2.wav'],

const pianoSampler = new Tone.Sampler(samples.piano);
const drumBuffers = new Tone.Buffers(samples.drum);