A pentest scanning task automation project using custom resource files and Metasploit's internal services database.
This project is a beta attempt to automate scanning tasks using the Metasploit database.
db_* files like db_nikto will run the associated external command only against the specific services that match the tool
The *.rc files are the shell resource files for each MetaSploit module. To include a new module, simply create a new *.rc file and link it to the appropreiate stub ruby file (*.rb).
The *.rb files are the brains of each resource (*.rc and *.db) file. These files are shared resources for each akin resource (*.rc) file.
Below is a example:
$ cat ftp_anonymous.rc
use auxiliary/scanner/ftp/anonymous
resource stub_ftp_rhosts.rb
$ cat stub_ftp_rhosts.rb
framework.db.hosts.each do |host|
host.services.each do |service|
if service.name == "ftp"
self.run_single("set RHOSTS #{host.address}")
self.run_single("set RPORT #{service.port}")
My example methodology is as follows:
1> Begin with a masscan scan and then db_import masscan-output.xml or "msf> resource db_portscan", which pulls its targets from ~/targets file.
2> "msf> resource db_verscan" <~ loops over all services in the msf database and uses nmap to preform a version scan.
3> "msf> resource db_whatweb" <~ loops over all web services in the msf database and runs whatweb against them.
4> "msf> resource db_nikto" <~ loops over all web services in the msf database and runs nikto against them.
5> "msf> resource db_dirb" <~ loops over all web services in the msf database and runs dirb against them.
6> "msf> resource db_sqlmap" <~ loops over all web services in the msf database and runs sqlmap against them.
7> "msf> resource db_skipfish" <~ loops over all web services in the msf database and runs skipfish against them.
8> "msf> resource db_auxiliary_scanners" <~ loops over all services in the msf database and runs ALL auxiliary scripts against them.
9> "msf> resource db_exploit_scanners" <~ loops over all services in the msf database and runs only the exploit scripts with a check function against them.