
3d vector math with robust unit tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript


NPM version Build Status

3D vector math with robust unit tests.


var v = require('vec3');

var v1 = v(1, 2, 3);
console.log(v1); // prints "(1, 2, 3)"
var v2 = v1.offset(0, 0, 1);
console.log(v2); // prints "(1, 2, 4)"


var Vec3 = require('vec3').Vec3;

var v1 = new Vec3(1, 2, 3);
// etc...

More available functions are listed below in Test Coverage.

Test Coverage

    ✓ no args
    ✓ x, y, z
    ✓ array
    ✓ object
    ✓ string coords
    ✓ deserialize
    ✓ invalid deserialize

    ✓ rounded
    ✓ round
    ✓ floored
    ✓ floor
    ✓ offset
    ✓ translate
    ✓ plus
    ✓ minus
    ✓ scaled
    ✓ abs
    ✓ distanceTo
    ✓ equals
    ✓ toString
    ✓ clone
    ✓ add
    ✓ subtract
    ✓ multiply
    ✓ divide
    ✓ set
    ✓ modulus
    ✓ volume
    ✓ min
    ✓ max
    ✓ update
    ✓ norm
    ✓ dot
    ✓ cross
    ✓ unit
    ✓ normalize
    ✓ scale
    ✓ xyDistanceTo
    ✓ xzDistanceTo
    ✓ yzDistanceTo
    ✓ innerProduct
    ✓ manhattanDistanceTo
    ✓ toArray

  39 passing

More functions welcome in the form of pull requests.


See History