
Some utilities for Unix systems

Primary LanguagePython


Some utilities for Unix systems; main goals include convenience, safety, and flexibility.




mv.py is a replacement for the Unix built-in mv, including functionality from rsync and rename such as recursive directory merging, checksums/data integrity verification, and pattern-based renaming.

By default, mv.py includes some useful replacements that will be expanded (textually) for each file:

  • #: an integer representing how many files and directories were moved before the current one
  • @: the parent directory of the source/origin file or directory (useful for recursively handling nested directory structures, or when operating on a long file path)
  • %: the file extension/suffix, including the .

Some examples:

rename a file

python mv.py image.png test.png

rename a file

python mv.py ./image.png ./test.png

move a file (test-dir exists)

python mv.py image.png test-dir/image.png

move a file (test-dir exists)

python mv.py image.png test-dir

move a file (test-dir does not exist)

python mv.py -c image.png test-dir

move files matching a pattern

python mv.py -c '*.png' images

move files matching a pattern and rename by index

python mv.py -c '*.png' 'images/image-#.png'

move files with multiple extensions

python mv.py -c './source/*.*' 'images/image-#%'

move files and print details to stdout

python mv.py -c -v '*.png' 'images/image-#.png'

move files recursively

python mv.py -c './**/*.png' 'images/image-#.png'

move files recursively, preserving directory structure

python mv.py -c './**/*.png' 'images/@'


  • dev: development branch where new features can be implemented and tested before being merged into the stable main branch
  • docs: various documentation (mostly aimed at the end user)
  • main: main branch into which others are merged once stable
  • meta: information about this repository (branches, code, etc.)
  • mv-docs: documentation for mv.py
  • mv-undo: implementing undo functionality in mv.py (see issue #2)
  • mv: script for easily moving files and directories in bulk


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Python 2 10 8 38
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