
Simple shell scripts to manage nginx under debian/ubuntu platforms.

Primary LanguageShell


Simple shell scripts to manage nginx virtual hosts under debian/ubuntu platforms.


First you need to download it and set permission to run under the linux box:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genesem/xcfg/master/mksite.sh
chmod 766 mksite.sh

or in single line:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genesem/xcfg/master/mksite.sh && chmod 766 mksite.sh


Run the script with the domain name as single parameter. Nginx should be installed properly.

./mksite.sh your-domain-name.tld

exampe: ./mksite.sh realblog.org

What it does and how:

  1. It creates directory structure for your new website in the /var/www as base folder. It uses command: mkdir -p -v /var/www/$1/{htdocs,logs}. So you having www root of your site in the /var/www/sitename.tld/htdocs/ and error log file in the /var/www/sitename.ext/logs/.
  2. It makes stub index.html file in the www root of this new web site.
  3. Change ownership of that: chown -R www-data:www-data
  4. New site config is placed to /etc/nginx/sites-available/sitename.ext file. Your can review this config by command:nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/sitename.ext.