
an image optimization proxy

Primary LanguageJavaScript


an image optimizing proxy designed to sit behind cloudfront or another cdn service that for caching and edge distribution.


  • url: the url of the image you want to optimize.


  • format: the format to convert the image to (e.g., 'webp', 'jpeg') (default: webp).
  • width: the width to resize the image to.
  • height: the height to resize the image to.
  • fit: how to fit the image when both width and height are provided ('cover', 'contain', 'fill', 'inside', 'outside').
  • quality: the quality of the image (0-100).
  • thumbnail: whether to generate a thumbnail (true/false).
  • debug: return debugging information in json (true/false).


  • https://your-api.com/optimize?url=https://example.com/image.jpg
  • https://your-api.com/optimize?url=https://example.com/image.jpg&format=webp&width=300&quality=85
  • https://your-api.com/optimize?url=https://example.com/image.jpg&thumbnail=1