File explorer is a multi-panel file explorer app, that allows all basic file operations and navigation between computer locations. Our app is designed with the aim to provide the best means of file navigation and ease of use.
Check out our releases page.
Ctrl + A
- Select all files
Ctrl + D
- Deselect all files
Ctrl + I
- Invert selection
Ctrl + C
- Copy all selected files
Ctrl + V
- Paste the copied files
Ctrl + X
- Cut all selected files
- Open last selected file
- Delete last selected file
- Rename all selected files
- Make directory
- Copy all selected files to a path
- Delete all selected files
- Move all selected files to a path
Shift + F2
- Sort by name
Shift + F3
- Sort by extension
Shift + F4
- Sort by size
Shift + F5
- Sort by date
Ctrl + R
- Refresh explorer
Ctrl + T
- Switch to the next theme
Ctrl + SHIFT + T
- Switch to the previous theme
- Open this page
- Go back one folder
- Switch focus to next explorer
Shift + Tab
- Switch focus to previous explorer
- Move up one file / Scroll up
- Move down one file / Scroll down
You can create your own theme if you don't like the default ones, for that we have template.theme
, where you can see the format of the themes and an example. After you created your theme, you just need to add it in the themes
folder (that's where all the themes should be saved).
If you modify any of these and want to use the new theme, we highly recommend that you change the default-theme field from settings.txt
, otherwise the font/icons/charSize will not be properly updated.
The best part about our project is that it is open source, that means you can take a look at the code and modify it. You can change literally anything you want (at your own risk).
If you are willing to modify the code yourself, you will need to compile it afterwards, so here are the compilation commands:
Linux: g++ src/*.cpp src/components/*.cpp -Iinclude -Iinclude/components -std=c++20 -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-window -lsfml-system -o total-commander-linux && ./total-commander-linux && clear
Windows: g++ src/*.cpp src/components/*.cpp -Iinclude -Iinclude/components -std=c++20 -IPATH_TO_SFML_INCLUDE -DSFML_STATIC -LPATH_TO_SFML_LIB -lsfml-graphics-s -lsfml-window-s -lsfml-system-s -lopengl32 -lfreetype -lwinmm -lgdi32 -o total-commander && total-commander.exe
For this to work, you will need to install SFML.