Qwil Messenger mobile testing recruitment test
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This repo comprises a simple react native application with a two-step login process. We'd like you to implement the following test cases using Detox in the e2e
folder which contains files for the login and verify pages. We have added the basic configuration to run Detox over the iOS simulator.
Test cases
Unsuccessful login (incorrect username):
- Enter incorrect username
- Enter correct password
- Tap Login
Expect: Error message is displayed.
Unsuccessful login (incorrect password)
- Enter correct username
- Enter incorrect password
- Tap Login
Expect: Error message is displayed.
Unsuccessful login (blocked user)
- Enter correct username
- Enter correct password
- Tap Login
Expect: Error message for blocked account
Login disabled
- Enter correct username
Expect: Login is not tappable
- Enter correct username
Successful login
- Enter correct username
- Enter correct password
- Tap Login
Expect: App navigates to the 'Verify' screen
Incorrect verification code gives an error
- Navigate to the Verify screen
- Enter incorrect passcode
- Tap Verify
Expect: Error message is displayed
Correct verification code
- Navigate to the Verify screen
- Enter correct passcode
- Tap Verify
Expect: App navigates to the 'Success' screen
Starting the app
To start the app:
If using yarn (preferred)
yarn ios
If using npm
npm install
npm run ios