- achuthasubhashIBM
- aviadmx
- brunotech
- CarlyxInstitute of Automation,Chinese Academy of Sciences
- ChenyangLEIHKUST
- CR-GjxGoogle Research
- EzioByThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- fly51flyPRIS
- hskim-solvSouth Korea
- imr555Neovotech
- jackylee1
- jerrymatjilaSouth Africa, Pretoria
- jiangzhengkaiHKUST
- junhua-lShenzhen
- justimyhxuStanford University; The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Zhejiang University
- keeganmccallumMaking magic at Luma Labs
- kobesheguShanghai
- LeoXing1996
- lucesintetica
- minsunhappy
- O-O1024
- robotPin
- thinknolimitz
- TongHengchengAire
- tyshiwo1
- UltraiceeChengDu,China
- VivianSZFHong Kong SAR
- w83144378
- WastoonXJTU
- wjl1999
- wxrui182USTC
- XrosLiang
- xuduo35
- zhujiapengThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- zqh0253