CMU Science Olympiad Web Platform

Current Task - Static Website

Our current goal is to build a pretty static website, since we can actually handle everything else with Google Forms.

Installation/Development Guide

Using Git

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repo-link>. You can get the link by clicking the "clone or download" button above
  2. Right after you clone, you should be on a branch called master. You can verify this by typing git branch and ensuring that the starred branch is called master.
  3. Make a new branch for development by typing git checkout -b <branch-name>. This is so that you can develop your features locally at the same time as other people without producing conflicting stuff. Whenever you make a new branch to start developing a feature, make sure that master is up to date. Do this by running git pull origin master while on the master branch.
  4. Develop normally using git. Specifically, whenever you come to a saving point that you might want to return to later, use git add to choose the files you want to save, and use git commit to save them. This part is pretty simple; you can look up commands if you need more details. Here is a decent resource.
  5. When you are done with you're feature and ready to publish it, you first have to make sure that you have the updates that other people have made to master. To do this, while you are on the branch you created, type git pull origin master. You may get "merge conflicts" - these happen when someone else has changed the same file you changed to create your feature. In this case, type git status to see the files marked "both modified" - these are the ones that have conflicts. If you look inside the files, you should see what edits you made, what edits other people made, along with some annotations from git. Edit the file so it contains what you want to keep, and add it and commit as usual.
  6. Once you've merged master successfully, push your changes to the repository via git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>.
  7. Go to GitHub; you should see that you pushed to a branch. Submit a pull request from your branch to master. I will review your changes to make sure that nothing breaks; then I will merge your changes into master. Soon after, you'll be able to view the website at

Installation of Jekyll

Jekyll is a framework that allows us to separate templates (how the website looks) from the content. This makes it easier to add content, reduces code duplication, and generally makes everything more elegant.

  1. Install ruby and the rubygems package manager.
  2. Install bundler by running gem install bundler.
  3. While in the directory where this repository is cloned, run bundle install.
  4. Whenever you want to view the website, run bundle exec jekyll serve. You will be able to view the website (by default) at localhost:4000.

Installation of Django

This is for the future, we don't need Django yet.


  • Python 3
  • Virtualenv


First run virtualenv venv to create a virtual environment. Switch to the virtual environment by typing source venv/bin/activate; do this every time you open a shell to start development. If you see (venv) prefixed to your prompt, you've done everything right so far. Type pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the required packages into your virtual environment. Everything should be set up now. If you require the use of a new python package, make sure to run pip freeze > requirements.txt in the root directory so the rest of us can update when we pull as well. When you're done working on this project, type deactivate to get out of the virtual environment.