
Gengo ETCD terraform infrastructure module

Primary LanguageHCL

Gengo ETCD cluster terraform module

Terraform module which creates EC2 instance(s) in multiple availability zones for ETCD cluster on AWS. The ETCD setup is (currently) not implemented in this module. It needs chef cookbooks to provision the service.


  • terraform 0.11
  • To install chef, please refer to daidokoro for the setup.


module "etcd" {
    source           = "git@github.com:gengo/etcd-tf-module.git?ref=1.0.0"

    hostname         = "etcd-staging"
    route53_zone_id  = "Z3FZA2A0A@FS25"
    count            = 3 # number of etcd nodes
    key_name         = "yoursshkeyname"

    subnet_ids       = [


Input Description Type default Required
hostname Hostname of the instance string etcd-staging yes
subnet_ids Multizone subnet IDs. All subnets must be in the same VPC list n/a yes
route53_zone_id Route53 hosted zone id string n/a yes
count Number of ETCD nodes int 3 no
key_name The access key name string yoursshkeyname no
instance_type EC2 instance type string t2.medium no
security_group_ids Security groups of the nodes list [] no
cookbooks_dir Local chef cookbooks directory string /src/devops-tools/daidokoro no