
A java application to retrieve info from Gengo website.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Gengo Scraper


Gengo Scraper is an application to retrieve info from Gengo website by scraping its contents.

Currently it retrieves info about archived jobs.

Download and use on Windows environment

  • Download resources under run folder:
    • gengoscraper-1.0.0.jar
    • config.properties
    • runme.bat
  • Ensure that you have Java 8 installed.
  • Edit config.properties to set your user, password and max number of pages to retrieve.
  • Run runme.bat.
  • The results will be stored in a file called results.csv in the same folder.

Download and use on other environments

  • Same above steps, but instead of running runme.bat you can run the JAR file directly:
java -jar ./gengoscraper-1.0.0.jar --spring.config.location=file:./config.properties

If you prefer to compile

  • Ensure that you have Java 8 installed.
  • Download sources under src folder.
  • Compile them with Maven: mvn package
  • The compiled binaries will be generated into target folder.
  • Create a config.properties like the one you can find under run folder and configure it.
  • Run the application as stated above.


These are the basic parameters you can configure in the config.properties file:

  • gengo.user -> Your Gengo user. Must not be empty
  • gengo.password -> Your Gengo password. Must not be empty.
  • gengo.max.pages -> Max number of pages of archived jobs to retrieve. Each page contains 20 archived jobs.

Please notice that your credentials should be 'standard' Gengo credentials. The scraper is not able to deal with Google login or Facebook login yet.

By default, the results are stored in a results.csv file in the same folder. You can set your own file adding this parameter:

  • gengo.results.file -> Complete path and file name to store the results into.

By default, the application generates logs into a gengo.log file in the same folder. You can set your own file adding this parameter:

  • logging.file -> Complete path and file name to generate the logs into.