
Fix for Praat pitch tracks extracted in macOS machines.

Primary LanguagePython


Python-based solution to fix PRAAT extracted pitch in macOS machines, which sets as --undefined-- the timestamps and pitch values within the unpitched regions. This setting is quite unconvenient to work with the extracted pitch track. PraatPitchSolver is basically written to fix that, providing a reliable and aligned formatting for the macOS Praat pitch tracks.

Running PraatPitchSolver from terminal

You can format your Praat pitch file by running the following command lines:

cd path/to/PraatPitchSolver
python3 PraatPitchSolver.py 'path/to/Praat/file.txt' 'path/to/output/file.txt'

You can also include the --ignore-start-end flag to directly remove the unvoiced regions at the beginning and at the end of the PRAAT pitch track. Sometimes, pitch tracks extracted with PRAAT have alignement problems at the beginning and the end, which prevent the step size to keep constant along the whole pitch track. This flag is to avoid that, basically by removing this misaligned undefined regions.

cd path/to/PraatPitchSolver
python3 PraatPitchSolver.py 'path/to/Praat/file.txt' 'path/to/output/file.txt' --ignore-start-end

Running PraatPitchSolver from Python code

You would need to move PraatPitchSolver to your project file and import it:

from PraatPitchSolver import PraatPitchSolver

# Initialize pitch solver instance
praat_pitch_solver = PraatPitchSolver(
    # ignore_start_end_unvoiced=True,  # You can set this to True if needed (False by default)

# Obtain fixed pitch
fixed_timestamps, fixed_pitch_values = praat_pitch_solver.fix_praat_pitch()

# Saving fixed pitch


For further question please write an email to genis.plaja01@estudiant.upf.edu.