- 文字排版參考 medium.com
- 引入 medium like zoom.js demo
hexo init Blog
cd Blog
npm install
npm install --save hexo-renderer-jade hexo-generator-feed hexo-generator-sitemap hexo-browsersync hexo-generator-archive
git clone https://github.com/geniustanley/hexo-theme-achilles themes/achilles
修改 _config.yml
的 theme
配置项为 achilles
theme: achilles
# 在归档页面显示所有文章
# 需要上面安装的 hexo-generator-archive 插件支持
per_page: 0
yearly: false
monthly: false
daily: false
After customize your own scss, you should run the scripts below to generate css
cd themes/achilles
yarn run sass
cd themes/achilles
git pull