
Ogone gateway for omnipay

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ABN InternetKassa iDEAL Only Kassa driver for Omnipay

Use Omnipay with Dutch bank ABN.


use Omnipay\Omnipay;

$gateway = Omnipay::create('AbnInternetKassaIdealOnly');
$gateway->setShaInPassPhrase('passphrase, sha1 encoded');

$response = $gateway->purchase([
	'transactionId' => 1,
	'amount' => '18.15',
	'description' => 'Description here',
	'cancelUrl' => 'http://example.com/cancel',
	'returnUrl' => 'http://example.com/return',
	'notifyUrl' => 'http://example.com/notify',

Be aware with notify url

In the ABN Amro settings panel, you will have to set the notify url to: http://example.com/<PARAMVAR>. When you insert a notifyUrl in your purchase request (see above). A hidden input field PARAMVAR will be included in the post redirect and it will be set to only the path of that notifyUrl.

Because ABN Amro urlencodes this field your notifyUrl can only contain one path segment (a slash becomes %2F). If this is a problem for you, change the notify url in the ABN Amro settings panel to http://example.com/path-to-payment-hook?target=<PARAMVAR> and set the request type to GET. Then your <PARAMVAR> contains the urlencoded target GET variable. Now you should be able to make the correct request yourself.

Unfortunately, this is how it works, because in my opinion it is best compatible with other omnipay drivers.