
Send push messages to Android and Apple using one interface

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Send push messages to Android, Apple and Firebase using one interface


Requires PHP 7.4 or later. It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as genkgo/push.


workflow code check

To run the unit tests at the command line, issue phpunit -c tests/. PHPUnit is required.

This library attempts to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4. If you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.

Send Push Messages

use Genkgo\Push\Body;
use Genkgo\Push\Firebase\CloudMessaging;
use Genkgo\Push\Gateway;
use Genkgo\Push\Message;
use Genkgo\Push\Sender\FirebaseSender;
use Genkgo\Push\Sender\AppleApnSender;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\AndroidDeviceRecipient;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\AppleDeviceRecipient;
use Genkgo\Push\Recipient\FirebaseRecipient;

// construct the gateway, using the different senders
$gateway = new Gateway([
    AppleApnSender::fromToken('/location/to/key.p8', 'keyId', 'teamId', 'bundleId'),
    new FirebaseSender(new CloudMessaging($guzzleClient, $auth), 'fcm-project-id')

// below message will automatically go to their own specific sender
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new AndroidDeviceRecipient('token'));
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new AppleDeviceRecipient('token'));
$gateway->send(new Message(new Body('message content')), new FirebaseRecipient('token'));


  • Found a bug? Please try to solve it yourself first and issue a pull request. If you are not able to fix it, at least give a clear description what goes wrong. We will have a look when there is time.
  • Want to see a feature added, issue a pull request and see what happens. You could also file a bug of the missing feature and we can discuss how to implement it.