
The most cost effective yet robust e-commerce solution

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



About This Project

This is one of my personal open source project built on top of the demo app comes with the sdk, a hassle-free shopping cart web application created for a senior friend of mine who runs a mamas & papas shop. This application was built with OpenUI5 framework that consumes the most robust and easy to maintain database - Google spreadsheet :) as its data source, hosted with Heroku, integrated with Mailgun. It's not really that impressive from a technical point of view, but I'm happy with it because once again, the code I wrote, the things I built made a small difference in someone's day.

Getting Started

  1. Replace the sSheetsUrl variable value (util/Util.js line 11) with your Google spreadsheet key, and check out this sample sheet to create your own data source.
  2. Replace Mailgun API key and address (app.rb line 23) with your own Mailgun account API key and address.

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Download the Heroku Toolbelt.
  2. Go to Heroku.com and register.
  3. Issue "heroku login" to authenticate, with the credentials from previous step. Make sure it's a git repository, by issuing "git init", and also "git add", "git commit" your files.
  4. Then "heroku create" to create this app on heroku. This command also adds a "heroku" remote repository that you can push to.
  5. To deploy, issue "git push heroku master".
  6. Other helpful heroku commands:
  • heroku logs
  • heroku logs -t
  • heroku rename
  • heroku restart
  • heroku run console
  • heroku help