
unite source for github notifications

Primary LanguageVim script


Prepare file named ~/.github_notifications.

let g:github_notifications = {
  \ 'github_token': 'Your Github access token',
  \ 'ghe_domain': 'Your GHE host domain',
  \ 'ghe_token':  'Your GHE access token'

Source names are as follows.

:Unite github_notifications
:Unite ghe_notifications

When using vim on wsl, set a flag on as follows. And set the command that invoke browser, if you need.

# Default is 0
let g:unite_github_notifications_wsl = 1

# Default is "/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
let g:unite_github_notifications_wsl = "/path/to/browser_bin"