Darkstar packages Vega 5.10.1
and Vega-lite 4.10.1
as a single
dependency Clojure library with a very small API surface.
This was made relatively easy by the GraalJS Javascript runtime, which
should work on any stock JVM >= 1.8.0_131
(the version upon which I
have been testing it).
We have not yet released to Clojars, so we recommended you use deps.edn:
applied-science/darkstar {:git/url "https://github.com/appliedsciencestudio/darkstar/"
:sha "c24cd6eaca5310027da803a8e0ec72f134bb2240"}
(ns test
(:require [appliedsciencestudio.darkstar :as darkstar]))
;; write an SVG from a Vega spec
(->> (slurp "vega-example.json")
(spit "vg-example.svg"))
;; write an SVG from a Vega-lite spec
(->> (slurp "vega-lite-example.json")
(spit "vl-example.svg"))
Build a deployable jar of this library:
$ clojure -A:jar
Install it locally:
$ clojure -A:install
Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME
environment variables:
$ clojure -A:deploy
Copyright © 2020 Applied Science
Distributed under the MIT License.