Veasy Angular Components

  • Veasy Moment Format
  • Veasy Calendar
  • Veasy Datepicker (pending)
  • Veasy Table
  • Veasy Modal (pending)
  • Veasy Input Search (pending)


AngularJS directive to create quickly data tables without giving up the beauty and functionality.



v2.1.x v2.1.x (modal)


$ bower install angular-veasy-table --save
In your angular app
angular.module('yourModule', ['veasy.table'])

  .controller('yourController', function() {
    $scope.config = {
      // This 'id' is not necessary. Use it only if you want to set a specific id for this component.
      // If you not set a specific id, it will be randomly generated.
      id: 'my-specific-id',

      // Columns configuration
      columns: [
          // That's the label of your column.
          header: 'Id',

          // That's the field of your column, and it's used to get value
          // from your result array.
          value: 'id',

          // This property is used to add to this column a dropdown filter.
          dropdown: true,

          // This property is used to define the default value to the column when necessary.
          // The default value will be applied when the column value is: undefined, null, false or '' (empty string).
          default: 'Not Informed',

          // It's used only if you want to hide this column in a specific screen size.
          // The screen sizes are separated by spaces.
          // Ex: hideOn: 'lg md sm xs'.
          hideOn: 'xs',

          // It's used only if you want to apply an angular filter to this column.
          filter: {
            type: 'number',
            fractionSize: 0

          // It's used to define percentual size to the column.
          size: 5
        { header: 'First Name', value: 'first_name' },
        { header: 'Last Name', value: 'last_name', hideOn: 'xs' },
        { header: 'Email', value: 'email', hideOn: 'sm xs' },
        { header: 'Gender', value: 'gender', hideOn: 'sm xs' },
        { header: 'Money', value: 'money', hideOn: 'xs', filter: { type: 'currency', symbol: 'R$', fractionSize: 2 } },
        { header: 'Date', value: 'date', hideOn: 'lg md sm xs', filter: { type: 'date', format: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss' } }
In your HTML
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/angular-veasy-table/dist/css/veasy-table.min.css" media="screen" charset="utf-8"/>
  <veasy-table list="items" config="config"></veasy-table>

  <script src="bower_components/angular-veasy-table/dist/js/veasy-table-tpls.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  <script src="bower_components/angular-veasy-table/dist/js/veasy-table.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


All of these configurations, you need put inside your config object, like '$scope.config'.

Enable toggle columns
toggleColumns: {
  enable: true,         // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
  position: 'begin',    // Use it if you want to put the 'toggle' icon at the begin of the table. Default is undefined.
  icons: {              // Use it if you want to replace the default icons.
    opened: 'fa fa-chevron-down',
    closed: 'fa fa-chevron-right'
Enable context menu
contextMenu: {
  enable: true,                 // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
  icon: 'fa fa-ellipsis-v',     // Use it to set an icon to your menu.
  options: [
      icon: 'fa fa-trash-o',    // Use it to set an icon to your menu item.
      label: 'Delete',          // Use it to set a text to your menu item.
      action: function(row) {   // Use it to set a action to your menu item. The first parameter aways will be the selected row.
        alert('Your row has been deleted!');
Enable pagination
pagination: {
  enable: true,         // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
  currentPage: 0,       // Load in current page. (Default is 0)
  itemsPerPage: 10,     // How many items per page you want to see. Minimum is 1 and maximum is 50. (Default is 10)
Enable data filter
filter: {
  enable: true,                   // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
  conditional: true,              // Conditional filter 'AND' or 'OR'. (Default is AND)
  isCaseSensitive: false,         // To make the query case sensitive (Default is true)
  ignoreSpecialCharacters: true,  // To ignore special characters and accentuations (Default is false)
  delay: 300                      // Delay in milliseconds. (Default is 300ms)
Enable column filter (show and hide columns)
columnFilter: {
  enable: true,         // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
  modalOptions: {
    size: 'md',         // The size of modal: 'sm', 'md' or 'lg'. (Default is 'md')
    autoOpen: false,    // Open automatically column filter modal, if not have visible columns. (Default is false)
    keyboard: true,     // Enable to use keyboard on filter modal. (Default is true)
    backdrop: true      // Enable to use backdrop on filter modal. (Default is true)
Enable click row
clickRow: {
  enable: true         // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
Enable checkboxes
checkbox: {
  enable: true,        // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
Enable column sort
sort: {
  enable: true         // Enable this feature. (Default is false).
Enable translate
labels: {
  filter: {
    by: 'Filtrar por...',
    all: 'Todas',
    and: 'E',
    or: 'OU'
  pagination: {
    itemsPerPage: 'Itens por Página',
    totalItems: 'Total de Itens'
  modal: {
    title: 'Quais colunas você deseja exibir?',
    okButton: 'Aplicar',
    cancelButton: 'Cancelar'

Enable Events

All of veasy-table events are use $emit, and to listen these events you need to use $on

$scope.$on('veasyTable:onClickRow', function(event, data) {
  console.log('Some row was clicked', data);
Selected Items
$scope.$on('veasyTable:selectedItems', function(event, data) {
  console.log('Some items were selected', data);
Column filter
$scope.$on('veasyTable:onApplyColumnFilter', function(event, data) {
  console.log('Some columns was applied', data);
$scope.$on('veasyTable:onStartPagination', function(event) {
  console.log('Pagination event was started');

$scope.$on('veasyTable:onEndPagination', function(event) {
  console.log('Pagination event was done');
$scope.$on('veasyTable:onStartSearch', function(event) {
  console.log('Search event was started');

$scope.$on('veasyTable:onEndSearch', function(event) {
  console.log('Search event was done');
$scope.$on('veasyTable:onStartSort', function(event) {
  console.log('Sort event was started');

$scope.$on('veasyTable:onEndSort', function(event) {
  console.log('Sort event was done');

Enable angular $filter at columns?

All of these configurations, you need put inside your target column, in your $scope.config object.

filter: {
  name: 'currency',
  symbol: 'R$',
  fractionSize: 0
filter: {
  name: 'date',
  format: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss',
  timezone: ''
filter: {
  name: 'json',
  spacing: 2
filter: {
  name: 'number',
  fractionSize: 2
filter: {
  name: 'limitTo',
  limit: 10,
  begin: 0
filter: {
  name: 'lowercase'
filter: {
  name: 'uppercase'
filter: {
  name: 'url',
  text: '',
  target: '_blank'

Migrating from 1.x.x to 2.x.x version

In your HTML:

Just remove the 'selected-items' property

<!-- from -->
<veasy-table config="config" list="resultList" selected-items="selectedItems"></veasy-table>

<!-- to -->
<veasy-table config="config" list="resultList"></veasy-table>

In your Angular app:

On your app dependencies, just replace 'veasyTable' to 'veasy.table'.
angular.module('yourModule', [ 'veasyTable' ]);

// TO
angular.module('yourModule', [ 'veasy.table' ]);
On columns config, just remove 'size' and 'show' properties.
columns: [
    header: 'Id',
    value: 'id',
    size: 5
    // show: true

// TO
columns: [
    header: 'Id',
    value: 'id',
    size: 5,
    // Use something like this, if you want to use responsive columns and/or angular filters
    hideOn: 'lg md sm xs',
    filter: { type: 'number', fractionSize: 0 }
On checkbox config, just remove 'size' property.
checkbox: {
  enable: true
  // size: 20

// TO
checkbox: {
  enable: true
On columnFilter config, just:
1 - Move 'autoOpen' property to inside of new property named 'modalOptions'.
2 - Move 'modalSize' property to inside of new property named 'modalOptions' and rename to 'size'.
columnFilter: {
  enable: true,
  // autoOpen: true,
  // modalSize: 'md'

// TO
columnFilter: {
  enable: true,
  modalOptions: {
    size: 'md',
    autoOpen: false,
    keyboard: true,
    backdrop: true
On resizable config, just remove.
// resizable: {
//   enable: true,
//   minimumSize: 5
// },
On translation config, just:
1 - Rename 'translate' property to 'labels'.
2 - Add 'all' property inside 'filter' object.
3 - Rename 'itemsByPage' property, inside 'pagination' object, to 'itemsPerPage'.
4 - Rename 'columnFilter' property to 'modal'.
translate: {
  filter: {
    by: 'Filtrar por...',
    and: 'E',
    or: 'OU'
  pagination: {
    itemsByPage: 'Itens por Página',
    totalItems: 'Total de Itens'
  columnFilter: {
    title: 'Quais colunas você deseja exibir?',
    okButton: 'Ok',
    cancelButton: 'Cancelar'

// TO
labels: {
  filter: {
    by: 'Filtrar por...',
    all: 'Todas',
    and: 'E',
    or: 'OU'
  pagination: {
    itemsPerPage: 'Itens por Página',
    totalItems: 'Total de Itens'
  modal: {
    title: 'Quais colunas você deseja exibir?',
    okButton: 'Aplicar',
    cancelButton: 'Cancelar'
On events config, just remove, because now, all events use $emit, and to listen these events you need to use $on.
// events: {
//   onClickRow: function(row) {
//     alert('Row Clicked: ' + JSON.stringify( + '. More details in your console.');
//     console.log(JSON.stringify(row, null, 2));
//     console.log('---------------------------------');
//     console.log('');
//   },
//   onApplyColumnFilter: function(columns) {
//     alert('Applied Columns! More details in your console.');
//     console.log(JSON.stringify(columns, null, 2));
//     console.log('---------------------------------');
//     console.log('');
//   },
//   onTableStateChange: function(columns) {
//     alert('State changed! More details in your console.');
//     console.log(JSON.stringify(columns, null, 2));
//     console.log('---------------------------------');
//     console.log('');
//   }
// }

// TO
$scope.$on('veasyTable:onClickRow', function(event, data) {
  console.log('Some row was clicked', data);

$scope.$on('veasyTable:onApplyColumnFilter', function(event, data) {
  console.log('Some columns was applied', data);