
Tumor genotyper, that detects SNV, absolute CNV and Tumor contents

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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karkinos is a tumor genotyper that detects single nucleotide variation (SNV) and copy number variation (CNV) and calculates tumor cellularity from tumor-normal paired sequencing data.

Accurate CNV calling is achieved using continuous wavelet analysis and multi-state HMM, while SNV call is adjusted by tumor cellularity and filtered by a heuristic filtering algorithm and Fisher Test. Also, Noise calls in low depth regions are removed using the EM algorithm.


Copyright (C) 2014 Hiroki Ueda Rcast, the University of Tokyo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


  • git
  • JDK >= 1.8 (Recommended 11)


$ git clone https://github.com/genome-rcast/karkinos.git
$ cd karkinos
$ ./gradlew uberjar

You don't need to install Gradle command.

karkinos-standalone-X.Y.Z-SNAPSHOT.jar is created in the ./build/libs/ directory.

Required files

  • BAM files for normal read alignment
  • BAM files for tumor read alignment
  • Capture target (BED format)
  • dbSNP (See following for the file format)
  • COSMIC (VCF format)
  • karkinos.property

dbSNP file format is as follows:

  1. bin (for indexing)
  2. chromosome
  3. start (0 based)
  4. end (1 based)
  5. rs#
  6. score
  7. strand
  8. ref allele from NCBI
  9. ref allele from UCSC
  10. observed alleles
  11. molType
  12. class
  13. valid
  14. avHet
  15. avHetSE
  16. func
  17. location type
  18. weight
  19. exceptions
  20. submitterCount
  21. submitters
  22. allele frequency count
  23. alleles
  24. alleleNs
  25. alleleFreqs
  26. bitfields


585	chr1	10468	10469	rs117577454	0	+	C	C	C/G	genomic	single	by-1000genomes	0	0	unknown	exact	1		1	1000GENOMES,	2	G,C,	18.000000,102.000000,	0.150000,0.850000,


The current version of karkinos supports only one subcommand, analysis.

This subcommand will pileup reads and then analyze SNVs, CNVs, and Tumor purity.

Usage: java -jar karkinos.jar analysis -n <arg> -t <arg> -r <arg> -snp <arg> -ct
       <arg> -o <arg> -id <arg> [-prop <arg>] [-mp <arg>] [-g1000 <arg>]
       [-cosmic <arg>] [-g1000freq <arg>] [-chr <arg>] [-rs <arg>] [-rg
       <arg>] [-exonSNP <arg>] [-nopdf]
 -n,--normalBam <arg>                normal BAM file
 -t,--tumorBam <arg>                 tumor BAM file
 -r,--reference <arg>                reference genome file of 2bit format
 -snp,--dbSNP <arg>                  dbSNP list (e.g. bin, chr, start, end)
 -ct,--captureTarget <arg>           BED file of capture target regions
 -o,--outdir <arg>                   output directory
 -id,--uniqueid <arg>                unique id for this sample
 -prop,--property <arg>              karkinos.property file
 -mp,--mappability <arg>             (optional) Big Wig format file of mappability from UCSC
 -g1000,--1000genome <arg>           (optional) 1000 genome list (e.g.  chr, pos, ref, alt, freq, id)
 -cosmic,--cosmicSNV <arg>           VCF format file of COSMIC's SNV
 -g1000freq,--1000genomefreq <arg>   (optional) threshold of 1000 genome frequency
 -chr,--chrom <arg>                  chromosome name
 -rs,--readsStats <arg>              (optional) reads stats files (normal and tumor)
 -rg,--refFlatGenes <arg>            (optional) gene references
 -exonSNP,--exonSNP <arg>            (optional) additional exon SNPs
 -nopdf,--nopdf                      if you don't need a graphical summary PDF