
Website for the MixS-MInAS ancient DNA sequence metadata checklist project

Primary LanguageHTML


Website for the proposed MIxS Minimum Information about an Ancient Sequence project

This website is built with mkdocs.

For full documentation visit mkdocs.org.


  • mkdocs new [dir-name] - Create a new project.
  • mkdocs serve - Start the live-reloading docs server.
  • mkdocs build - Build the documentation site.
  • mkdocs -h - Print help message and exit.

Project layout

mkdocs.yml    # The configuration file.
    index.md  # The documentation homepage.
    ...       # Other markdown pages, images and other files.

Local Development Notes

Requires mkdocs-material theme to be installed pip install mkdocs-material mkdocs-table-reader-plugin mkdocs-section-index. See .github/workflows/ci.yml for latest used on production website if in doubt.

To update the rendered tables on the docs/drafts.md page:

  1. Add latest version to `docs/assets/checklists/versions/
  2. Modify docs/assets/checklists/website_simplification_script.R to the latest version in the file names
  3. Run the script
  4. Update docs/draft.md to the latest version at the top of the page, and the paths to the files at the bottom of the page.

Custom domain is www.mixs-minas.org. CNAME file also needs to be under docs/ with mkdocs gh-deploy.