A simple tool to find reads that might map to virulence factors.
We recommend having conda installed to manage the virtual environments
First, we create a conda virtual environment with:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/genomewalker/get-ancient-vf/master/environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
Then we proceed to install using pip:
pip install get-ancient-vf
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c genomewalker get-ancient-vf
Using pip
pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/genomewalker/get-ancient-vf.git
By cloning in a dedicated conda environment
git clone https://github.com/genomewalker/get-ancient-vf.git
cd get-ancient-vf
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate get-ancient-vf
pip install -e .
getVF has two subcommands createdb
and search
The subcommand createdb
creates the database structure needed for getVF. It will download all the necessary files from VFDB and create the basic data for search
to work. For a complete list of options:
$ getVF createdb --help
usage: getVF createdb [-h] [--threads THREADS] --output STR [--tmp STR] [--recreate] [--mmseqs-bin STR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threads THREADS Number of threads to use (default: 1)
Createdb optional arguments:
--output STR Output folder where to store the DB (default: None)
--tmp STR Temporary directory location (default: None)
--recreate Remove folders if they exist
--mmseqs-bin STR Path to the mmseqs2 executable (default: mmseqs)
One would run the createdb
subcommand as:
getVF createdb --output VFDB --recreate
This command will retrieve the data from VFDB and will process it. The output will be stored in the VFDB
folder. It will get the amino acid sequences and the metadata for the core
and full
DBs. The generated folder can be used with the search
It will generate the following files:
└── DB
├── core
│ ├── VFDB.core.fasta.gz
│ ├── VFDB.core.metadata.tsv.gz
│ └── mmseqs
│ ├── core-db
│ ├── core-db.dbtype
│ ├── core-db.index
│ ├── core-db.lookup
│ ├── core-db.source
│ ├── core-db_h
│ ├── core-db_h.dbtype
│ └── core-db_h.index
├── full
│ ├── VFDB.full.fasta.gz
│ ├── VFDB.full.metadata.tsv.gz
│ └── mmseqs
│ ├── full-db
│ ├── full-db.dbtype
│ ├── full-db.index
│ ├── full-db.lookup
│ ├── full-db.source
│ ├── full-db_h
│ ├── full-db_h.dbtype
│ └── full-db_h.index
└── version
With the subcommand search one can search the reads against the marker DB. Here we can decide between different approaches. By default, the short reads will be extended by a gentle assembly on both ends, then the extended reads will be de-replicated at 100% identity and length using seqkit or vsearch; and finally, the reads will be mapped against the VFDB using MMseqs2. The results from the BLASTx search will be filtered using x-filter to identify the genes with the highest likelihood of being in the sample. Once all steps are done, a fastQ or a fastA file will be generated with the reads that map against the VFDB.
For a complete list of options:
usage: getVF search [-h] [--threads THREADS] --input INPUT --vfdb STR --db-dir STR [--output STR] [--tmp STR]
[--prefix STR] [--no-extend] [--extend-bin STR] [--extend-length INT] [--extend-k INT]
[--extend-memory INT] [--no-derep] [--derep-bin STR] [--mmseqs2-bin STR]
[--mmseq2-min-length INT] [--mmseqs2-evalue FLOAT] [--mmseq2-min-seqid FLOAT]
[--mmseq2-cov FLOAT] [--mmseq2-cov-mode INT] [--ancient] [--keep] [--no-filter]
[--x-filter-bin STR] [--n-iters INT] [--evalue FLOAT] [--scale FLOAT] [--bitscore INT]
[--filter STR] [--breadth FLOAT] [--breadth-expected-ratio FLOAT] [--depth FLOAT]
[--depth-evenness FLOAT] [--no-trim] [--no-aggregate] [--extract] [--extract-bin STR]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--threads THREADS Number of threads to use (default: 1)
Search required arguments:
--input INPUT A FASTA file containing the query sequences
--vfdb STR Which VFDB to use (default: core)
--db-dir STR Folder with the VFDB data generated by the createdb subcommand
Search optional arguments:
--output STR Output folder to write the search results (default: get-ancient-vf-output-search)
--tmp STR Path to the temporary directory (default: None)
--prefix STR Prefix used for the output files (default: None)
--no-extend Disable read extension
--no-derep Disable de-replication of identical reads
--ancient Use mmseqs2 aDNA optimized parameters
--keep Keep temporary files
--no-filter Disable x-filter filtering
Read extension arguments:
--extend-bin STR Path to the the executable for the extension step (default: tadpole.sh)
--extend-length INT How much to extend in both ends (default: 100)
--extend-k INT K-mer length to use for the extension (default: 17)
--extend-memory INT How much memory to use for the extension (default: None)
Read dereplication arguments:
--derep-bin STR Path to the the executable for the de-replication step (default: seqkit)
MMseqs2 search arguments:
--mmseqs2-bin STR Path to the mmseqs2 executable (default: mmseqs)
--mmseq2-min-length INT
Minimum length of the predicted ORF (default: 15)
--mmseqs2-evalue FLOAT
Evalue where to filter the results (default: 1e-05)
--mmseq2-min-seqid FLOAT
List matches above this sequence identity (default: 0.6)
--mmseq2-cov FLOAT List matches above this fraction of aligned (covered) residues (default: 0.6)
--mmseq2-cov-mode INT
Type of mmseq2 coverage calculation (default: 2)
X-filter processing arguments:
--x-filter-bin STR Path to the the executable for the x-filter step (default: xFilter)
--n-iters INT Number of iterations for the FAMLI-like filtering (default: 25)
--evalue FLOAT Evalue where to filter the results (default: 1e-05)
--scale FLOAT Scale to select the best weithing alignments (default: 0.9)
--bitscore INT Bitscore where to filter the results (default: 60)
--filter STR Which filter to use. Possible values are: breadth, depth, depth_evenness,
breadth_expected_ratio (default: depth_evenness)
--breadth FLOAT Breadth of the coverage (default: 0.5)
--breadth-expected-ratio FLOAT
Expected breath to observed breadth ratio (scaled) (default: 0.5)
--depth FLOAT Depth to filter out (default: 0.1)
--depth-evenness FLOAT
Reference with higher evenness will be removed (default: 1.0)
--no-trim Deactivate the trimming for the coverage calculations
--no-aggregate Aggregate the results by virulence factor
Extract VFDB mapping reads arguments:
--extract Extract the reads that match the VFDB
--extract-bin STR Path to the the executable for the read extraction step (default: filterbyname.sh)
One would run the following command to search the reads against the VFDB:
getVF search --input test.fq.gz --vfdb core --db-dir VFDB/DB/ --threads 8 --ancient --filter depth_evenness --depth-evenness 1.0
The output folder will contain the following files:
└── core
├── logs
│ ├── test.derep.log
│ ├── test.extend.log
│ ├── test.reads.core.log
│ └── test.results.core.log
├── test.reads.core.fq.gz
├── test.results.core.tsv.gz
├── test.results-filtered.core_cov-stats.tsv.gz
├── test.results-filtered.core_group-abundances-agg.tsv.gz
├── test.results-filtered.core_group-abundances.tsv.gz
└── test.results-filtered.core_no-multimap.tsv.gz