
Docker profiles

msierk opened this issue · 0 comments

The documentation says that the Docker profiles are pulled from nfcore/nanoclust, but these containers don't exist on DockerHub. They are pulled from hecrp (e.g. hecrp/nanoclust-read_correction). The documentation ought to be updated.

Also, all of the hecrp containers are tagged with "linux", but most of the nfcore containers are just tagged with "container". I can run the test profile no problem on an ubuntu EC2 instance on AWS, but when I try to run it on my MacBook Pro I run into problems (these vary, right now it is timing out on read_correction). I'm not familiar with the nuances of running docker profiles on different OS environments, but it seems like you maybe need to either mention in the documentation that it works on linux and may or may not work on other OSes, and/or do more testing on MacOS.