Error running test
claudiodonati opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi, I tried to run the test
nextflow run -profile test,docker
and I got the following error:
Error executing process > 'consensus_classification (1)'
Caused by:
Process consensus_classification (1)
terminated with an error exit status (255)
Command executed:
export BLASTDB=
export BLASTDB=$BLASTDB:/tmp/db/taxdb/
blastn -query consensus.fasta -db /tmp/db/16S_ribosomal_RNA -task blastn -dust no -outfmt "10 sscinames staxids evalue length pident" -evalue 11 -max_hsps 50 -max_target_seqs 5 | sed 's/,/;/g' > consensus_classification.csv
cat 0_draft.log > 0_blast.log
echo -n ";" >> 0_blast.log
BLAST_OUT=$(cut -d";" -f1,2,4,5 consensus_classification.csv | head -n1)
echo $BLAST_OUT >> 0_blast.log
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
Error: NCBI C++ Exception:
T0 "/opt/conda/conda-bld/blast_1595737360567/work/blast/c++/src/serial/objistrasnb.cpp", line 499: Error: (CSerialException::eOverflow) byte 95: overflow error ( at [].[].gi)
T0 "/opt/conda/conda-bld/blast_1595737360567/work/blast/c++/src/serial/member.cpp", line 768: Error: (CSerialException::eOverflow) ncbi::CMemberInfoFunctions::ReadWithSetFlagMember() - error while reading seqid ( at Blast-def-line-set.[].[].seqid.[].[].gi)
Work dir:
Tip: when you have fixed the problem you can continue the execution adding the option -resume
to the run command line
[nf-core/nanoclust] Pipeline completed with errors
Any hint?
As reported by other users, this problem is caused by the incompatibility of the blast version with the updated NCBI databases.
After repeated changes and tests, now the best way to bypass the problem in docker mode is to edit the following file like this (change the old blast to the new version):
line 104: withName: consensus_classification { container = 'ncbi/blast:latest'
Now it works. Thanks a lot
Thank you so much!!, now it finished without errors