
Indoor SDK for Android

Primary LanguageJava

Goindoor SDK for Android Download


The Goindoor library handles the communication to the server and provides easy access to the developer to the data, as well as several addition features, such as location provider, routing, statistics and asset management. An extensive developer documentation can be found here.

Preparing the environment


The minimum SDK version that the app should be API 18.


We need to give the app the following permission to be able to use Bluetooth and use the Google Location Services API

<!-- Internet -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<!-- Bluetooth -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
<!-- GPS -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

We have to ensure that the device is capable to use Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth 4.0), hence the following feature shall be included

        android:required="true" />

Finally we need to define the Indoor Location Service to be used

            android:exported="false" />

Importing libraries

The Goindoor library can be downloaded from the jcenter and maven central repositories using the following statement:

compile 'com.oym.indoor:goindoor:2.1.1'

It might be required to add the following lines inside the android closure:

packagingOptions {
    exclude 'META-INF/ASL2.0'
    exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'
    exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'

Preparing a sample app

In order to use the indoor library, a basic Android app shall be created. After making all the modifications mentioned in the previous section, it is necessary to bear in mind that the application is using the Google Services API, Bluetooth and WiFi/Network connection, hence it is necessary to check that all this features are available.

The next step is to define an LocationBroadcast to handle the computed position. This LocationBroadcast will be called each time a position is computed.

private LocationBroadcast broadcast = new LocationBroadcast() {
		public void onLocation(LocationResult location) {
			// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		public void onNotification(NotificationResult notification) {
			// TODO Auto-generated method stub

The LocationResult object includes the following fields:

/** WGS84 Longitude */
public final double longitude;
/** WGS84 Latitude */
public final double latitude;
/** Number of beacons used */
public final int used;
/** Position accuracy (meters) */
public final double accuracy;
/** List including the longitude, latitude and accuracy of each beacon in sight */
public final ArrayList<Double> found;
/** Floor ID */
public final String floor;
/** Floor number */
public final int floorNumber;
/** Positioning type: {@link #TYPE_BEACON}, {@link #TYPE_FUSED} */
public final int type;
/** Building name */
public final String buildingName;
/** Building ID */
public final String building;
/** Number of geofences */
public final int geofences;

To create a GoIndoor object, the inner Builder class needs to be used:

go = new GoIndoor.Builder()

This constructor will connect to the server. Once the process is complete the onConnected() method from the callback will be called.

In order to start the location service, it is required to provide an LocationBroadcast to the library. Once it is defined, the startLocate() method can be used, where the input is the LocationBroadcast


After starting the library, the LocationBroadcast will be used when a new position is computed and a notification is triggered.

Exiting the app

In order to stop properly the library, it is necessary to call the stopLocate() method when the library is no longer needed and the location service should be stopped


Creating a route

In order to create a route between two points, these points need to be encoded inside a RoutePoint object.

public RoutePoint(double x, double y, int floorNumber, String buildingId)

To get the Route object, it just required to use the computeRoute() method:

Route route = go.computeRoute(startRoutePoint, destinationRoutePoint);

Projecting position to the route

Once a route is computed, it is possible to project the user position to the computed route by using the getProjection() method inside the Route object. This method will provide a RoutingResult that will provide the user position on top of the route, a flag telling whether the user is too far away from the route and further useful information.

Showing indoor maps

In order to show the indoor maps overlap in Google Map, this guide assumes that the app already have an initialized GoogleMap object called map. Further information in how to include a map in your app can be found here.

The Goindoor library includes a list of the buildings available for the account. In each Building object, it includes all the floors available for that building, including their tile providers. In order to access an UrlTileProvider we just need to call the getTileProvider() method in a Floor object:

ArrayList<Floor> floors = building.getFloorsList();
UrlTileProvider tiles = floors.get(iFloor).getTileProvider();

Finally, this UrlTileProvider can be directly added to the map.

map.addTileOverlay(new TileOverlayOptions().tileProvider(tiles));

Exiting the app

Before exiting the app it is advisable to disconnect from the server. For that, the disconnect() method shall be called.
