
Files structure changes logger.

Primary LanguagePython

File Watch.

Logs all changes in files structure.

Only for windows.


Every time any file get created/deleted/moved, information with time, date and source path is saved into logs file according to disk. All disks have their own file. You can specify special paths where changes are saved into specials.log file instead of disk's one.


  • Automatically add to auto start.

  • Create stats viewer.

  • Create dev_docs.md


Use .exe file:

Download filewatch.rar and run filewatch.exe

Compile python code by Yourself:

1. Downlaod/clone repository
2. Install packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
3. Run filewatch.py


All files are saved in user's appdata directory: Main directory: C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Local\FILE STRUCT LOGS\ Here you can find those files:

File Description
config.json User configuration.
specials.log Logs from special paths.
<disk>.log All disk's logs.


In configuration file, you can change: which logs are saved, specify special paths, change logs file size required to alert you.

Remember, that entire file should follow JSON format. Config file will not load if JSON could not parse it's config and You will se error message.
Name Type Description Default
skip_temp bool Do not save events for files with temp phrases in it's paths. true
skip_log bool Do not save events for files with log phrases in it's paths. true
skip_custom list List of custom phrases. If any of those phrase would be found in file's source path, the action will not be logged. []
specials list List of special paths. All events that would happen in those places will be saved in specials.log and <disk>.log files. []
logs_size_alert_gb int/float Amount of Gigabytes required to send alert (as messagebox) with information that log file has achieved that amount of GB. 2
only_specials bool Decides if FileWatch should watch all disks or only those specified in specials setting. false
log_edits bool Decides if FileWatch will log file's content modification events. Remember, that most of programs edits it's files while running and log files will fill up very fast with Modified logs! true
Notice, that You don't have to include all available settings in config.json. All missing settings from file will be filled with default settings


Possible files events: Created, Moved, Deleted, Modified

Log's syntax: dd/mm/YYYY hh/mm/ss | type | source path

Example log:

# Files tree before:

# Files tree after:
|-new_file.txt (+ created)

# Log message:
09/01/2023 23:13:44 | Created   | C:\showcase\new_file.txt
Notice: Manually moved files are treated as two separated events: Deleted, Created
# Files tree before:

# Files tree after:
| |-file.txt 

# Log messages:
09/01/2023 23:05:19 | Deleted   | C:\showcase\file.txt 
09/01/2023 23:05:19 | Created   | C:\showcase\abc\file.txt 


FileWatch can be ran with some parameters included in console.

Parameter Description
--display-stats Show logs amount for each path live time
--console-log Display startup process stages and replaces most of messagebox messages with console ones.
--no-warns Program will not display warns except logs file size alert.
--help Show params description.

Stats viewer:

Logs amount for each path can be displayed in live time when --display-stats parameter will be included.

Each color represents different event in the path. Number after path's prefix is logs count for this path.