
Modules for LAMOST spectra.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


DOI Upload Python Package

Modules for basic operations on LAMOST spectra, etc.

If you make use of this package in your research, please cite the paper below:


Bo Zhang, bozhang@nao.cas.cn

home page


  • for the latest stable version: pip install -U laspec
  • for the latest github version: pip install -U git+git://github.com/hypergravity/laspec

module structure

  • binning
    module for rebinning spectra
    • rebin(wave, flux, flux_err, mask): rebin spectra
  • ccf
    module for cross correlation function
    • sine_bell: a sine bell function
    • wxcorr: weigted cross-correlation
    • wxcorr_cost: negative CCF function
    • wxcorr_spec: weigted cross-correlation of two spectra
    • wxcorr_rvgrid: weighted cross correlation given an RV grid
    • wxcorr_cost_binary: negative CCF function
    • wxcorr_spec_binary: weigted cross-correlation of two spectra
    • wxcorr_rvgrid_binary: weighted cross correlation given an RV grid
    • RVM Radial Velocity Machine
      • measure: measure the RV of single stars
      • measure_binary: measure the RV of binary systems
  • convolution
    module for spectral Gaussian convolution
    • conv_spec: capable to tackle arbitrary R_hi and R_lo but relatively slow
  • interpolation
    interpolation, but slow, please do not use.
    • Interp1q: use numpy.interp instead
  • lamost
    module for LAMOST spectra and files
    • lamost_filepath(planid, mjd, spid, fiberid)
    • lamost_filepath_med(planid, mjd, spid, fiberid)
    • sdss_filepath(plate, mjd, fiberid)
  • mrs
    MRS module
    • MrsSpec: MRS spectrum (B / R)
    • MrsEpoch: MRS epoch spectrum (B + R)
    • MrsFits(astropy.io.fits.HDUList): MRS fits reader
    • MrsSource(numpy.ndarray): MRS source constructor
  • line_indices
    module to measure spectral line index (EW)
    • measure_line_index: measure line index (EW)
  • normalization
    module to normalize spectra
    • normalize_spectrum_spline: a Python version of Chao's method (recommended)
    • normalize_spectrum_poly: polynomial normalization
    • normalize_spectrum_general: a unified wrapper of spline and poly
    • NOTE: bad pixels (e.g., cosmic rays) should be properly removed before normallization
  • qconv
    quick convolution, designed for two cases:
    • conv_spec_Gaussian(wave, flux, R_hi=3e5, R_lo=2000): scalar resolution to scalar resolution instrumental broadening
    • conv_spec_Rotation(wave, flux, vsini=100., epsilon=0.6): stellar rotation broadening
  • read_spectrum
    module to read LAMOST/SDSS spectra
    • read_spectrum(fp): read LAMOST low-res spectra
    • read_lamostms(fp): read LAMOST medium-res spcetra
  • spec
    modules for operations on general spectra (deprecated)
    • Spec: spec class
  • wavelength
    module to convert wavelength between air and vacuum
    • wave_log10: log10 wavelength grid
    • vac2air: convert wavelength from vacuum to air
    • air2vac: convert wavelength from air to vacuum

