
ST25TB / SRx NFC Emulator / Initiator based on TI TRF7970A with MSP430

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ST25TB / SRx NFC Emulator / Initiator based on TI TRF7970A with MSP430

This is the support project of ST25TB series NFC tags for fun in French public transports (ST25TB_transport.pdf)


st25tb_kiemul project is ready for Texas Intruments Code Composer Studio (CCS) IDE 12+, https://www.ti.com/tool/CCSTUDIO

You can use the local IDE or the online one (CCS Cloud). When using online IDE, do not forget to delete additionnal .cmd at the root of the project after the initial import ; they are conflicting with specific embeded ones in the project.

You can reduce the code base but, at this time, the full project (emulator/writer/learner with led animations) needs (only) < 6 kilobytes for program and < 700 bytes of memory.

Supported configurations

  • MSP-EXP430F5529LP + DLP-7970ABP with configuration Release - lp-msp430f5529 - MSP @ 25 MHz, external battery needed
  • LP-MSP430FR2476 + DLP-7970ABP with configuration Release - lp-msp430fr2476 - MSP @ 16 MHz, CR2032 battery compatible!
  • *MSP430* + DLP-7970ABP with new configuration to create (feel free to adapt :))


You can program your board from the IDE itself, but .hex files produced/downloaded can also be used with MSP430Flasher (https://www.ti.com/tool/MSP430-FLASHER) or UniFlash (https://www.ti.com/tool/UNIFLASH).

No MSP-FET required when using LaunchPad cards, as they embed an eZ-FET lite emulator.


  • MSP430Flasher -i TIUSB -n MSP430FR2476 -z [VCC,RESET] -e ERASE_ALL -v -w st25tb_kiemul-MSP430FR2476.hex
  • MSP430Flasher -i TIUSB -n MSP430F5529 -z [VCC,RESET] -e ERASE_ALL -v -w st25tb_kiemul-MSP430F5529.hex


  • replace -i TIUSB by -i COMnumber when dealing with multiple boards connected at the same time ;
  • do not hesitate to make another reset by the button after flashing.

How to use it?


At startup/reset, the content of the emulator card is loaded from the flash memory. If no cards were previously learned, a default one with the UID: d00233aabbccddee is loaded.

Left and Right buttons are used to cycle between modes (Emulator -> Writer -> Learn)

🟢 ⚫ Emulator mode - (default)

GREEN led only

In this mode, it reacts like a normal ST25TB-AT cards, with few differences:

  • Sectors 0x05 and 0x06 are not limited to decrement ;
  • Sector 0xff (system area / internal is 0x80) is not used to lock sectors/OTP ;
  • Sectors 0x81 and 0x82 can be used to read and write UID ;
  • Any writing operation to sector 0xfe will write current emulated card into flash memory.

basically, it reacts like a memory card without limitation

⚫ 🔴 Writer mode

RED led only

In this mode, it will try to write the emulator content back to the original card.

Leds on the DLP-7970ABP board are used for status:

  • 🔵 & 🟢 Card successfully writed (and confirmed)
  • 🔴 An error occured (not the good UID or write then read error)

🟢 🔴 Learn mode - dangerous!


In this mode, it will read an original card into emulator, then save it to the flash memory.

Leds on the DLP-7970ABP board are used for status:

  • 🔵 Card successfully readed (and confirmed)
  • 🔴 An error occured (try to move the card, no need to stick it to the antenna)
  • 🟢 Card successfully writed to the flash memory


  • Yep, I recreated a ~1% Chameleon like stuff :')
  • Yep, I'm happy with it: I do it for myself to learn (& for fun)
  • No, I'm not confident to be able to help to add 14B(') to https://github.com/emsec/ChameleonMini/tree/master/Firmware/Chameleon-Mini/Codec
    • otherwise I would have done it
  • No, I will not create a single board with battery from available schematics of MSP430 LaunchPad & TRF7970A BoosterPack
  • Yes, you can use other (better) MCU with the TRF7970A, even with the original DLP-7970ABP board
    • think aout STM32, Raspberry PI Pico or your prefered one with SPI support, really

Hardware references

Kiwi board

To practice, for POC, and for the lulz, a mini-board is also available: https://oshwlab.com/gentilkiwi/st25tb_kiemul


Benjamin DELPY gentilkiwi, you can contact me on Twitter ( @gentilkiwi ) or by mail ( benjamin [at] gentilkiwi.com )

This is a personal development, please respect its philosophy and don't use it for bad things!


CC BY 4.0 licence - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/