
Mirror of MELPA Stable emacs package repository

Primary LanguageShell

MELPA Stable ebuild mirror

This is a gentoo ebuild repository [1] mirroring the MELPA Stable [2] package repository for emacs.

To utilize it add the following to a *.conf file in /etc/portage/repos.conf/

location = /var/db/repos/gnu-elpa
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/houseofsuns/gnu-elpa.git
auto-sync = yes

location = /var/db/repos/melpa-stable
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/houseofsuns/melpa-stable.git
auto-sync = yes

This is currently an experimental project and updated on a best effort basis (aiming for roughly daily). The repository may also move in the future if a better hosting option than GitHub is determined.

This is maintained and updated with the help of g-sorcery [3],[4] and gs-elpa [5],[6].

[1] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Ebuild_repository [2] https://stable.melpa.org/ [3] https://github.com/houseofsuns/g-sorcery [4] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/g-sorcery.git [5] https://github.com/houseofsuns/gs-elpa [6] https://gitweb.gentoo.org/proj/gs-elpa.git