
bot fights in go

Primary LanguageGo


This is a wip project!



go-arena is a Robocode clone written in go and ebiten

You create code that controls your tank. Last tank to survive is the winner.

screenshot The arena

Let them fight

compile the robots

# in the main directory
make build

start the battle

Specify the compiled bots with -b parameter:

go run . -b bots/testbot/testbot.so -b bots/gentoobot/gentoobot.so

write your own bot

Check out the code for TestBot.

To compile run:

go build -buildmode=plugin -o newbot.so newbot.go


  • Bots can move and change orientation.
  • Bots have view range within which they can "see" enemies.
  • They can crash into the level boundary and notice it (and loose health:))
  • They notice when they get hit by flying shells.

There's a lot left to do but updates are coming constantly.