Python wrapper for Tivoli Storage Manager API
>>> from tivsmapi import *
>>> dsmQueryCliOptions()
(0, {'commMethod': 1, 'serverAddresss': '', 'nodeName': 'CLIENT_NODENAME', 'serverName': 'TSMSERVER.DOMAIN.NET', 'dsmDir': '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64', 'compressalways': True, 'passwordAccess': True, 'dsmiConfig': '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt', 'compression': False})
>>> (rc, sess) = dsmInit(dsmApiVersion=dsmQueryApiVersion())
>>> (rc, msg) = dsmRCMsg(sess, rc)
>>> msg
'ANS0302I (RC0) Successfully done.\n'
>>> dsmQuerySessOptions(sess)
(0, {'commMethod': 1, 'serverAddresss': '', 'nodeName': 'CLIENT_NODENAME', 'serverName': 'TSMSERVER.DOMAIN.NET', 'dsmDir': '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64', 'compressalways': True, 'passwordAccess': True, 'dsmiConfig': '/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt', 'compression': False})
>>> dsmQuerySessInfo(sess)
(0, {'backDel': 2, 'maxObjPerTxn': 4096L, 'policySetName': 'STANDARD', 'opNoTrace': 0, 'replServerName': '', 'serverDate': '2015-11-03 05:22:53', 'hldelim': '/', 'serverPort': 1500, 'owner': 'marco', 'replServerHost': '', 'id': 'CLIENT_NODENAME', 'adsmServerName': '', 'compression': 3, 'archDel': 1, 'stVersion': 0, 'serverType': 'Linux/x86_64', 'gpArchRetn': 4266015752, 'serverVer': 7, 'homeServerName': '', 'confFile': '', 'dfltMCName': 'STANDARD', 'accessNode': '', 'nodeType': 'Linux x86-64', 'maxBytesPerTxn_64': 0L, 'serverHost': '', 'replServerPort': 0, 'polActDate': None, 'maxBytesPerTxn': 26214400L, 'gpBackRetn': 30, 'fsdelim': '/', 'domainName': 'STANDARD', 'archiveRetentionProtection': False, 'lanFreeEnabled': False, 'serverRel': 1, 'serverSubLev': 300, 'serverLev': 1})
>>> rc = dsmLogEvent(sess, 2, "Hello to both of you!! :)")
>>> rc = dsmLogEventEx(sess, 3, "ABC12345678", 2, "I'm sent by dsmLogEventEx()")
>>> regFSData={'fsName':'/my_path/some/where','fsType':'some_type','occupancy':1024, 'capacity':4096, 'fsAttr':{'netwareFSAttr': {'fsInfoLength':9,'fsInfo':'rwxrwxrwx'}, 'unixFSAttr':{'fsInfoLength':9, 'fsInfo':'rwxrwxrwx'}, 'dosFSAttr':{'driveLetter':'', 'fsInfoLength':0, 'fsInfo':''}}}
>>> rc = dsmRegisterFS(sess, regFSData)
updFSData={'fsType':'some_other_type','occupancy':1024, 'capacity':8192, 'fsAttr':{'netwareFSAttr': {'fsInfoLength':9,'fsInfo':'rwxrwxrwx'}, 'unixFSAttr':{'fsInfoLength':9, 'fsInfo':'rwxrwxrwx'}, 'dosFSAttr':{'driveLetter':'', 'fsInfoLength':0, 'fsInfo':''}}}
>>> rc = dsmUpdateFS(sess, "/my_path/some/where", updFSData, 64)
>>> rc = dsmDeleteFS(sess, "/my_path/some/where", 1)
>>> qryFSData = {'fsName': '/my_path/some/where'}
>>> rc = dsmBeginQuery(sess, 3, qryFSData)
>>> (rc, res) = dsmGetNextQObj(sess, 3)
>>> rc = dsmEndQuery(sess)
>>> rc = dsmChangePW(sess, "old", "new")
>>> dsmRCMsg(sess, rc)[1]
'ANS0264E (RC2300) Only a UNIX root user can execute dsmChangePW or dsmDeleteFS.'
>>> dsmTerminate(sess)
- dsmBeginQuery() [wip, qtFilespace only atm]
- dsmChangePW()
- dsmGetNextQObj() [wip, qtFilespace only atm]
- dsmDeleteFS()
- dsmInit()
- dsmInitEx() [wip]
- dsmEndQuery()
- dsmLogEvent()
- dsmLogEventEx()
- dsmQueryApiVersion()
- dsmQueryApiVersionEx()
- dsmQueryCliOptions()
- dsmQuerySessInfo()
- dsmQuerySessOptions()
- dsmRCMsg()
- dsmRegisterFS [review]
- dsmSetUp() [wip]
- dsmTerminate()
- dsmUpdateFS() [review]
- dsmBeginGetData
- dsmBeginTxn
- dsmBindMC
- dsmCleanUp
- dsmDeleteAccess
- dsmDeleteObj
- dsmEndGetData
- dsmEndGetDataEx
- dsmEndGetObj
- dsmEndQuery
- dsmEndSendObj
- dsmEndSendObjEx
- dsmEndTxn
- dsmEndTxnEx
- dsmGetData
- dsmGetBufferData
- dsmGetObj
- dsmGroupHandler
- dsmQueryAccess
- dsmQueryApiVersion
- dsmQueryApiVersionEx
- dsmReleaseBuffer
- dsmRenameObj
- dsmRequestBuffer
- dsmRetentionEvent
- dsmSendBufferData
- dsmSendData
- dsmSendObj
- dsmSetAccess
- dsmUpdateObj
- dsmUpdateObjEx