
Tool for implementing fizzbuzz on the command line

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What is this repository for?

FizzBuzzer allows you to implement fizz_buzz on the command line.

fizz_buzz is a function that accepts an integer, x, as an argument and returns an output for x according to the following rules:

  • If x is a positive integer (i.e., greater than 0) and:
    • divisible by 3, return the string 'Fizz'
    • divisible by 5, return the string 'Buzz'
    • divisible by both 3 and 5, return the string 'FizzBuzz'

If x doesn't satisfy any of the above conditions, simply return x.


  • Python 3.7.4+

How to Use

To begin using, type fizzbuzzer followed by the integer(s) you want to convert. If you pass in more than one integer, each result is returned on a new line. Here are a few input examples:

$ fizzbuzzer 3

$ fizzbuzzer 1 2 3 5 15

The unit tests for fizz_buzz can be run on the command line interface:

$ python -m unittest
$ python -m unittest -v

As well as the doctests:

$ python -m doctest fizzbuzz.py
$ python -m doctest fizzbuzz.py -v