1. Operating System

The backend part of this project is assumed to be running on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

2. Database Server

The database product to be used for this project is MySQL 5.7.

We use skeema for schematic synchronization under <proj-root>/database/skeema-repo-root/ which intentionally doesn't contain a .skeema file. Please read this tutorial for more information.

With skeema version 0.2 and golang version 1.10, it's tested to be compilable on Windows10, but NOT useful due to the failure of trial to communicate via UNIX socket.

powershell> skeema.exe --version
skeema version 0.2 (beta)

powershell> go version
go version go1.10 windows/amd64

You can use this node module (still under development) instead under Windows10, other versions of Windows are not yet tested for compatibility.

The following command(s)

### Optional.
user@proj-root/database/skeema-repo-root> cp .skeema.template .skeema

user@proj-root/database/skeema-repo-root> skeema diff

is recommended to be used for checking difference from your "live MySQL server" to the latest expected schema tracked in git.

2.1 Environmental differentiation

Please note that we have 2 candidate live MySQL server configurations <proj-root>/backend/configs/mysql.conf and <proj-root>/backend/configs/mysql.test.conf, where the latter would only be used if process.env.TESTING == "true" for your NodeJs process(es) that runs the server.

3. What & How to Install

3.1 NodeJs Runtime

Please install NodeJs 11.x dependencies by Ubuntu14InitScripts/backend/node/init.

3.2 MySQL

On a product machine, you can install and manage MySQL server by these scripts or alternatively use <proj-root>/launch_databases_docker_container.sh.

3.3 Node Modules

Please run

proj-root> npm install
proj-root/frontend> npm install

to complete the installation.

3.4 Required Config Files

Please make sure that the following config files

- <proj-root>/backend/configs/mysql.test.conf, used by the api-server in non-production modes
- <proj-root>/backend/configs/mysql.conf, used by the api-server in production mode
- <proj-root>/backend/configs/qiniu.test.conf, used by the api-server in non-production modes
- <proj-root>/backend/configs/qiniu.conf, used by the api-server in `production` mode

exist and are properly set before starting the backend daemons under ANY mode.


proj-root/backend> ./overwrite_configs 

or do it manually under Windows10 (other versions of Windows are not yet tested).

3.5 Upserting Admin Accounts


3.6 How to Start & Stop Backend Daemon

It's deliberately made that you need [pm2] installed for starting the necessary backend service of this repository, and you're recommended to have it installed globally on the OS.

root@shell> npm install pm2 -g

Start the backend service.

proj-root> pm2 start pm2.config.js --env <development | production> [--no-daemon]

3.7 How to Build Frontend Bundle(s)

Unlike the "modes" for backend daemon, there're by far only 2 modes for a frontend bundle

  • development
  • production

whilst each could be built with the following CLI procedure(s).

proj-root/frontend> npm run build-[development | production]

Qiniu uphost list

EastChina(Huadong) up.qiniu.com

NorthChina(Huabei) up-z1.qiniu.com

SouthChina(Huanan) up-z2.qiniu.com

NorthAmerica up-na0.qiniu.com

4. Login flow for WebClient

Please refer to https://shimo.im/docs/IZ9QwHTMOTIZVfDG.