About <proj-root>

You're reading <proj-root>/README.md.

Installing the binary go at version 1.11rc1

Download the tarball go1.11rc1.<os>-<arch>.tar.gz, e.g. go1.11rc1.linux-amd64.tar.gz, from https://golang.org/dl/ (if not accessible for you, try this mirror page instead) with prebuilt go binary included, then untar it as "$HOME/go1.11rc1.linux-amd64/"(bash-shell) or "$env:USERPROFILE\go1.11rc1.windows-amd64\"(powershell), and configure the environment-variables $GOROOT, $PATH and $GOPATH appropriately, e.g.

# The path of this file is usually "$HOME/.bash_profile".

export GOROOT=$HOME/go1.11rc1.linux-amd64/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin

export GOPATH=$HOME/go # Use "mkdir -p" to create if it doesn't exist yet.

for a bash-shell or

# The path of this file is "$PROFILE".


$env:GOPATH="$env:USERPROFILE\go" # Use "mkdir -p" to create if it doesn't exist yet.

for a powershell.

Getting started with the offline guides

Interactive guide A Tour of Go

shell> go tool tour

Detailed documentation

shell> godoc -http=:6060

Visit http://localhost:6060 and wander around.

If you're using Windows, please make sure that godoc is launched from powershell or the old command-prompt.

How <proj-root>/go.mod was generated and updated at the very beginning

  • The <proj-root>/go.mod file was automatically generated by
proj-root> go mod init mycompany.org/thisproj
  • The <proj-root>/go.mod file was then automatically updated and the <proj-root>/go.sum file was automatically generated as well by
proj-root> go get github.com/kardianos/vtest

Nomenclature in go.mod and its implication

  • The <proj-root> here is defined as module mycompany.org/thisproj in <proj-root>/go.mod.
    • You can use arbitrary module name, e.g. either a more cascaded one like "myproj" or a shorter one like "mycompany.org/genxium/2018/august/go111/moduleprac" instead of "mycompany.org/thisproj". Such change will require corresponding updates for the import statement in <proj-root>/main.go.
  • The package <proj-root>/arithmetic is thus imported as mycompany.org/thisproj/arithmetic in <proj-root>/main.go.

Building & running

proj-root> make build 
proj-root> ./start_daemon TEST 


proj-root> make build-prod 
proj-root> ./start_daemon PROD 


proj-root> make run-test 


proj-root> make run-prod 

then visit http://localhost:8080/v3/test-api?a=3&b=4 for verification.


  • In general about go-modules here.
    • Specifically about the module file go.mod here.
    • Specifically about the use of command go get for go-modules here.
  • Specifically about go1.11-modules here.