
A pet project that combines react-native and react-native-web to help create cross-platform (hmm, not quite, only iOS, Android and web clients supported) apps conveniently.

Primary LanguageShell

This tool doesn't work on Windows (yet).

Node and Watchman Installation

Developing with react-native on OSX requires the installation of node and watchman. Please read the official docs for details.

Project Creation

To create a new project named MyProject,

shell@proj-root/create_project_by_name> init MyProject

After the downloading is finished, go to the $HOME/MyProject directory and run npm install to install dependencies.


shell@$HOME/MyProject> react-native run-ios


shell@$HOME/MyProject> open ./ios/ReactNativeStarterPackage.xcodeproj

Please note that Info.plist -> App Transport Security Settings -> Allow Arbitrary Loads of $HOME/MyProject/ios does NOT modify the default ATS settings thus you might have to change it manually according to specific demands.

Android (need $ANDROID_HOME/tools added to $PATH)

shell> android avd
...(launch an Android emulator)...
shell@$HOME/MyProject> ./run_android_with_localhost_proxying

Please refer to the official document or my 印象笔记 record (access permission needed) for information about react-native setup of Android development.

If difficulty of debugging by real Android device is encountered, please refer to the official document for troubleshooting steps. Some people might get stuck at the step of configuring the Debug server host for device.

Gradle Settings

After the project, e.g. MyProject is created at $HOME/MyProject, the default build tool for its Android sub-project is gradle which will be invoked by a wrapper script at $HOME/MyProject/android/gradlew[.bat]. Read gradle's official introduction for details.


shell@$HOME/MyProject> ./run_android_with_localhost_proxying

one actually calls

shell@$HOME/MyProject> react-native run-android 

which in turn calls $HOME/MyProject/android/gradlew[.bat] to build the Android sub-project. The distribution of gradle to use is then determined by the config file at $HOME/MyProject/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties which reads like the following.


According to gradle's official docs, one could simply update distributionUrl to


to use a local distribution $HOME/MyProject/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-2.14.1-all.zip instead of downloading from the original https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.14.1-all.zip.


shell@$HOME/MyProject/web> npm install
shell@$HOME/MyProject/web> npm run build 
shell@$HOME/MyProject> node api_daemon.js 


shell@$HOME/MyProject/web> npm install
shell@$HOME/MyProject/web> npm run build-watch
shell@$HOME/MyProject> node api_daemon.js 

to enable webpack watcher for file updates.

Visit port 9090 on the serving machine after daemon started.

Please refer to ExpressAndReactDemo for more information about web specific configurations.



shell@$HOME/MyProject> ./node_modules/react-native/packager/packager.sh start --resetCache

to start the packager with cache cleaned if any weird errors show up and you're sure that it's a cache relevant problem.

Websocket (or WebSocket, but I prefer Websocket for typing convenience)

The express-ws is currently chosen as websocket server library for this repository. The client sides are using websocket APIs wrapped by React-Native.

The popular library socket.io is an option as well.


The react-native Navigator is not yet supported by react-native-web.

The navigating/routing integration used here is react-native Navigator for iOS/Android and react-router for web.

It's also possible to use react-router-native alone instead.