go-kube-api (example service)

The service exposes an HTTP server and currently only works with an in-cluster config.


POST /v1/rbac/enumerateBySubjectNames

Allows listing a namespace's RoleBindings based on their subject names either by exact value or a regular expression.

The endpoint requires a a namespace and one or more subjectNames either as alphanumeric strings (exact match) or regular expressions which can be provided either as json or yaml depending on the Content-Type header. The response will match the type of the request.

Content-Type: application/json

  "namespace": "default",
  "subjectNames": [

Content-Type: application/x-yaml

namespace: default
- subject1
- subject2
- subject[3,4]

Building the binary

  • Run make build. Service binary will be ./bin/go-kube-api.

Building the docker image

  • Run make docker. Docker tag will be go-kube-api:dev.

Running in-cluster (locally)

  • Make sure you have a kubernetes with RBAC enabled.

  • If you are running kubernetes from the docker mac app, you will have to first remove the global role that gives everyone admin access.

    kubectl delete ClusterRoleBinding docker-for-desktop-binding
  • Build the docker image.

    make docker
  • Apply the kubernetes manifests.

    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  • Check the service is running as expected.

    kubectl get deploy go-kube-api
  • Port forward the service to your local machine. (or access the service any other way you can).

    kubectl port-forward service/go-kube-api 8080
  • Check the health endpoint of the service.

    curl http://localhost:8080/healthz
  • Add some sample roles and bindings.

    kubectl apply -f fixtures.yaml
  • Make a request to retrieve role bindings by subject name.

    curl \
    -d '{"namespace":"default","subjectNames":["subject[3,4]"]}' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \